Oh Danny, Boy

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"Get up!" I yelled. I ears groans from everyone.

" Come on we have to leave in 30 minutes!! " I said. " I will meet you in the front "

30 minutes later we were off and gone. A four day journey but if we went fast we could go for three days instead. I am so excited to see the city. The beautiful city that everyone dreams of going to. After the second war the games no longer existed and the city was rebuilt more beautiful than the last. There were no issues it was said. anything could happen. I could start a family and settle down, have a better life than I do now.

I snapped out of my dream and kept walking. No one complained. I was surprised but I guess all but Caleb were Dauntless. They should be strong physically and mentally.

"So what was your job in Dauntless?" I asked Tobias.

"I trained the transfer initiates. I trained Tris and Peter and Christina. Another instructor taught Uriah. After their training the war started so they never had a job in Dauntless." Tobias replied.

" So I made it in Dauntless? Not that I know what the hell that means or what you guys are talking about I will take it as it is. Believe me. I can't wait to remember everything. " Tris said.

"It will be soon. " Caleb said almost weary. Maybe he was tired. Didn't look it but maybe he was. He must be excited to have his sister remember him for who he truly was right?

" I don't know what we would do without you. " Christina said.

"Yes. Thank you. We wouldn't have made it this far without you." Uriah said.

Peter looked down to the ground. Upset. The poor guy got no credit for what he did to help them. That was one thing I couldn't guarantee I could do and he did it. They must have some history with Peter to be so rude to him.

"I couldn't have done it without Peters help too!" I exclaimed.

Everyone went silent and we trudged on.

No one spoke for another 15 minutes.

"Tris. " I said

"Yes. " She responded.

"Would you like us to explain everything to you? I mean about your city. It must be hard for you to try to learn a whole other identity. Confusing too. " I said.

" Sure. I would love that. " Tris replied.

"Will you guys help me?" I asked.

They all nodded their heads and I started. I explained everything I knew. They explained everything they knew. Well, except for Caleb. No one said a word about him. I wonder why. Tris was silent the whole time.

"Ok." she replied after they finished. " So that's who I am. "

"Yes. " Uriah replied.

She started to break down crying. "My life was confusing. It was brilliant. It was different. Divergent. My life was, is. Divergent" she smiled.

"You're special Tris. " Tobias said. " Even if you don't remember me I still love you. "

"It sounds like I really loved you too. " She said.

The sun began to hide behind the mountains and faded off in the distance.

" We should stop for the night. " I said.

A sigh of relief crossed everyone's face.

We set up camp and ate dinner. We laughed and sang which lifted everyone's spirits before we went to bed.

We woke up early the next morning and started on our journey again.

" We will probably be able to make it tomorrow night if we work fast. " I said.

Everyone nodded thankfully.

We trudged on and the sun peaked through the top of the mountains again and flew all the way to the top of the sky and stopped in the center bright and beautiful.

Everything was going so smoothly. W were half way there already. To the city! The beautiful city!

" Did you hear that?" Christina asked.

"No" everyone replied.

Then I heard it a gun shot. Followed by another one.

" Run!" I yelled. Then I heard another shot. They were coming closer now.

Another one started to boom and everything went white and blurry. I saw Tris scream and then I fell down. I was peaceful. So peaceful.........I went into a deep sleep. I saw someone's hands reaching out to me. The hands were perfect, strong and soft..........He lifted me up and we walked into the distance. Into the sun. The beautiful sun..............We stepped into a beautiful city. It was gorgeous. It was welcoming..........It was all white. It was so so peaceful. It was wonderful....... Everything I had hoped for and more......so much....more.....

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