Dear diary

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Dear Diary,

My cancer is getting better. Finally. It has been two months since I have had a big scare. I think I have read An Imperial Affliction about 20 times now...... I love the way the is. I mean it tells the whole truth.

I'm quite lonely now a days. I'm not bothered by it but it amazes me how different my life is now compared to before my cancer.

Hazel Grace

Dear Diary,

I've been trying to write in this diary everyday........ I don't know why but I just feel like I should. Maybe someone will read it someday after I'm dead... Or maybe not.

It's weird. It seems like I am losing all my memories from before my cancer..... All of them. My mom says it could be from all the stress lately but it feels different.

Hazel Grace

Dear Diary,

I had the weirdest dream last night. I was with a boy and his name was really weird.... I think it was Tobias or something... I can't be sure.... The weirdest part was that he called me Tris. What kind if names are those??

Anyway, we were fighting against a group of people and then I almost died from someone shooting me. I don't think it was a bullet but again I can't be sure. The best part was he loved me, something I've never had from a guy. I have to rest now. This dream is weird and just my imagination of course but oh I wish it was true......

Hazel Grace


She is having memories of me? How could that happen? Was this bad or good? It had only been 2 months since she left us and she hasn't met Augustus yet....... She isn't fully cured either. As long as she just thinks they are her imagination everything should be fine. For now.

Everyday the pain worsens without her.. I have to still keep thinking of what I could do to keep my mind off of her for the time being.. What if.......


Comment what you think!! I have some really exciting things coming up!!!

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