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"Cole," Camden said while gently smacking his cheeks, trying to wake him up.

"Coleeee," Camden moaned before climbing on top of him and smacking his cheeks to wake him up.

"What?" Cole groaned, slightly pissed off that his girlfriend woke him up.

"You were sleeping?" Camden asked already knowing the answer and Cole opened his eyes to shoot her a look.

"No, I was just looking at my eyelids," Cole said sarcastically and Camden laughed.

"Sarcasm is not appreciated," Camden said and Cole chuckled.

"Why did you wake me up, this early morning? Did you know sleep is the body's way of telling other people to go away," Cole said and Camden rolled her eyes.

"It's three in the afternoon, Cole. You've slept the day away, as usual. I need to go back to my apartment and unpack," Camden said from her position on top of Cole, and he just rolled his eyes.

He looked up at Camden before gently lifting his hand and wiping an eyelash from her cheek before sighing.

"You are so out of my league," Cole said and Camden frowned before shaking her head.

"Shut up," Camden said and Cole shook his head before reaching up and tangling his fingers in her curls.

"It's true, your beautiful and you have the body of fucking Victoria secrets model," Cole said and Camden blushed.

"That doesn't mean I'm out of your league if anything, you're out of mine. You're attractive and you've got the personality to match. I'm just a good looking bitch," Camden said and Cole chuckled.

Cole put his hands and Camden's waist and pulled her down so she was laying besides him on the bed, he then lifted the comforter so Camden was underneath it too.

"Come on Cole, let's get up. You spend too much time sleeping," Camden said and Cole rolled his eyes.

"Can you blame me for liking sleep?" Cole asked and Camden shot him a look.

"You nap all the time, you could use your napping time to feed me fries," Camden said and Cole chuckled before wrapping an arm around her waist and kissing her cheek.

"Nap with me Cami, only for an hour," Cole said before closing his eyes and attempting to go back to sleep.

"Last time I 'Napped' with you, we didn't get much sleep," Camden said and Cole chuckled.

"It was a different kind of nap. We can do that again if you want," Cole said before leaving kisses on Camden's neck making her giggle.

"Maybe later, Cole, I need to go back to my apartment and unpack. You need to drive me there," Camden said but Cole wasn't listening and was still leaving kissing on Camden's neck and face.

"Coleee," Camden moaned and Cole chuckled before stopping. Cole then burried his face into Camden's neck before speaking.

"Your apartment is so far away," Cole muttered and Camden laughed.

"It's Twenty minutes away," Camden said and Cole shrugged.

"It's still too far," Cole said and Camden playfully rolled her eyes.

"We used to be seven hours away from each other," Camden stated and Cole sighed.

"Move in with me," Cole said randomly and Camden raised an eyebrow at him.

"Cole-" Camden began but Cole interrupted her.

"Please, I want to wake up to you. Besides we've already adopted Morty, he should also get to wake up to you," Cole said and Camden sighed.

"They don't allow pets in my apartment. That's the only reason Morty is staying with you," Camden said and Cole rolled his eyes before using his fingers to play with her curls.

"Then move in with me, Cam." Cole said and Camden sighed thinking about it.

"Move...in...with...me." Cole said in between the kisses he was leaving on Camden's neck.

"I don't like your curtains, and I don't like the sofa in the living room," Camden said and Cole laughed.

"We will get rid of them," Cole said and Camden gasped is faux shook.

"You'll get rid of your hideous decor for me?" Camden asked and Cole rolled his eyes before nodding.

"If it means you will move in with me, then yes," Cole said and Camden laughed.

"Cole, I've got a lot of shit," Camden said and Cole nodded.

"I know, and I've got a lot of room. So will you please move in with me?" Cole asked and Camden sighed before nodding.

"I'll move in with you," Camden said and Cole smiled before kissing her.

"Great, let's nap," Cole said and Camden laughed before kissing his neck.

"Kinda want to do something else," Camden teased while kissing his neck and Cole chuckled.

"Yeah, like what?" Cole asked while putting his hands on her waist.

"Like unpacking. Get up Cole," Camden said with a laugh with standing up from the bed and Cole groaned.

A/n: one more chapter left x

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