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They all squeeze into a booth in some random diner while Cole looked at the pictures he had taken on his camera.

"So, have you got the shots?" Lili asked from her position next to Camden. The group all looked at Cole in anticipation, until Cole started to slowly nod.

"I've got the shots," Cole said and the group started to cheer.

"Should we go to a bar?" Charles suggested and Camden sighed.

"I have a show tomorrow, so getting drunk won't be very smart," Camden said and the rest shrugged.

"We can drive around for a bit, or we can buy some food and just chill at one of the places Cole found," Madelaine suggested and the group nodded.

Forty minutes, and a change of clothes later the group were siting at the bottom of a hill having a makeshift picnic next to the minivan. Camden held up her juice box getting everyone's attention.

"I'd like to make a toast," Camden said and the rest of the group held up their juice boxes.

"I just wanted to thank, not only god, but Jesus for sending you crazy people into my life. I've never had friends like you guys, it's hard to imagine but I was never the popular girl at school. And I'm thankful for you guys. I know you guys are people I want to have in my life for a long time, you came all the way from Sacramento just to watch me prance around in a skirt. I love you guys, and I just wanted to say that I'm so happy I summoned you guys from the internet," Camden said and the group cheered.

"That bought tears to my eyes, Cami," Camila said and Camden laughed.

"I'm happy to have met you," Lili said with a smile while gently touching Camden's hand.

"I'm going to keep you around for a long time, you're a good friend. You went to jail for trying to get me Mac free Mac and cheese," Kj said causing the group to laugh.

"Bro, how drunk do you have to be to convince yourself that you are allergic and Mac and Cheese?" Charles asked and Madelaine scoffed.

"You can talk, you were encouraging him," Madeleine said causing the group to laugh.

Athena pulled out her phone and started playing some music. She was laying on the floor with sunglasses on her face.

"Guys, why does the sky have a sun and not a daughter?" Athena asked randomly above the music.

"Did you just hit a blunt?" Charles asked causing the group to chuckle.

"You should know by now, my sister is basically Jaden Smith. She says shit like this all the time," Lili said and the group laughed. Athena just laughed before turning the music up.

Cole gently touched Camden's hand getting her attention, before nodding up the hill. Camden nodded before standing up and grabbing Cole's hand.

"The view is fucking amazing from up here, makes it worth all the mini asthma attacks," Camden said once they made it to the top of the hill and Cole chuckled.

"Wait let me get a picture," Cole said before pulling out his phone and Camden struck a pose while he took the picture.

Cole then before interlocking his fingers with Camden's before sitting down on the floor.

"You're nervous," Camden observed and Cole chuckled before nodding.

"Why?" Camden asked and Cole sighed.

"I really want them to like my photos, Cam." Cole said and Camden frowned.

"They will. Your photos are amazing, and if they don't like your pictures, fuck them. There's other agencies Cole," Camden said and Cole sighed before nodding.

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