Chapter 9: Coffee Break

Start from the beginning

A few more seconds passed before Mr. Artemios cleared his throat and I looked back up at him. He was all the sudden being really shy with his hand rubbing at the base of his neck. And let me tell you, seeing a six foot two muscly man suddenly act shy, well it was just adorable and out of character.

"So, the real reason I stopped you was because I wanted to ask you something," he said. "Do you think you could come grab a coffee with me a few stores down? I wanted to talk to you about something."

Immediately, I thought of Elliot doing something bad in school and he was coming to me to discuss it for some reason. I instantly fell into my older sister role and became worried. "Oh no, did Elliot do something? I am so sorry on his behalf. He is just a trickster and so silly sometimes. Please tell me he didn't prank you or something. Oh no, did he break something? Or damaged maybe? Oh god, how much do I own you?" I asked frantically as I put my shopping bag on the ground and reached around to pull out my emergency money wallet from my backpack. But, then I paused as a thought entered my head. I slowly righted my self and turned back to face the supposed history teacher. I squinted my eyes at him, sizing him up.

"Wait... So, if you are his teacher," I looked up at him suspiciously," why aren't you at the high school right now? It's a school day."

He nervously chuckled again, looking apologetic as he shifted his weight from side to side. "Oh, yeah, uh, that's kind of what I wanted to talk about. Well, to tell you the truth, I'm not really his teacher. I'm... his friend, of sorts."

I was then taken aback. Why would Elliot lie to me?

"Well then Mr. Artemios, if that is your real name, why did he not tell me you were?" I said accusingly and crossing my arms, still suspicious of his character and intensions.

"Yes, that is my real surname, but why don't we go and get a coffee and then we can talk. Yeah?" he suggested.

To be honest, I could use a coffee to warm me up as I was a little chilly, so I relented easily. I nodded to him,"Fine, but you are going to have to lead me there. I have no clue where anything is in this town." I knew it was kind of dumb to blindly follow a stranger, but if it was truly was close by, there was nothing really to worry about

He nodded to me and then moved passed me as soon as I gave my okay, silently showing me the direction we need to go. I picked up my shopping bag that held my dress that I dropped and matched his pace quickly, walking beside him. He then gave me a questioning look.

"You don't know where anything is? I thought you were Elliot's sister? Didn't your parents always live here?" he said sneakily asking if I lived here my whole life. As he said this though he glancing between the sidewalk ahead and then myself, most likely being alert if his surroundings

I decided to tell him the same excuse I gave to everyone else today.

"Well, yes that is true that my parents have lived here my entire life, I have not. I was living with my relatives for some time because of... issues, but have moved back here with my family," I explained looking ahead and nodding, almost like I was trying to convince myself of the lie. I don't like going around and telling people my problems, so in my mind this was better. Lying.

The man next to me didn't say anything like he was digesting my words. It was awhile before he said anything, but out of the corner of my eye I saw him slowly nod. I don't know why, but I had a feeling he didn't believe me.

We silently walked next to each other, strolling past different shops of ranging in different colors. I would glance into each window, curious to know what they sold as I haven't been in this part of town in years.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2017 ⏰

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