Chapter 7: Lady, What's a Luna?

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25k! Holy cow, guys! Thank you so much for reading!

I wanted to get this chapter posted and published quickly. Sorry if it reads terribly. I am disappointed in myself because I think that this chapter belongs in the trash. I don't like it, but here it is anyways.

Lasted Edited: October 23, 2016 8:15pm


I exhaled slowly.

Why is getting out of bed in the morning so hard?

It is the morning after my parents had told me about the town party and I am laying on my on my bed, contemplating if it was worth it to get up today when I could just lay here for the rest of the day.

With eyes still locked closed, I pulled the covers closer to my neck to let the warmth give me the feeling of satisfaction. I wanted to stay in this cocoon of happiness for as long as humanly possible.

While laying on my side with my legs pulled closed to my body, the cloud of sleepiness, although reluctantly, started to lift from my mind. I could hear birds happily chirping to one another, the neighbor's dog barking happily, and a low hum of a lawn mower coming from outside my windows beside my bed. The tranquility of the muffled morning sounds made me even more unwilling to leave my bed today.

I sighed tiredly through my nose moments later when I became more aware that it was the next day. I reluctantly peeled my eyes open and saw my bedside table with slightly opened eyes that weren't used to the bright sunlight. The digital alarm clock sitting there, facing me, showed that it was 8:37 in the morning. I closed my eyes again and groaned. It is too dang early.

"Stupid internal clock waking me up," I muttered almost incoherently under my breath.

I then forced my eyes open fully, blinked away the blurriness, and then pulled the covers away from my neck to let it rest near my waist. I shivered upon the impact of chilled air hitting my tired form and brought my hands up to face. Using my palms and pressing lightly, I lazily rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I didn't want to leave my bed, but I knew that once I was up, I couldn't go back to sleep again even if I wanted to.

I moved my hands away from my eyes a few seconds later and brought my hands above my head. I turned from laying on my side to lay on my back, closed my eyes tightly, and with a groan, I stretched my entire body into a straight line. My spine cracked all up and down its' length and when I couldn't stretch any further after staying tense for some time, I relaxed my form and flopped my arms down onto the bed.

I reopened my eyes and was met with the fabulous view of my paper white popcorn ceiling. I stayed absolutely still, yet relaxed and looked at my ceiling without really seeing it. I was seriously thinking if it would be okay to stay in bed all day. Knowing my mom would not appreciate me if I did so, I mentally groaned acting like getting out of bed would be the worst thing in the world.

Using my elbows halfheartedly, I pushed up on my bed and slowly sat lazily criss-crossed in the middle of my bed. I looked about the room with unfocused eyes, just letting the morning sink into my bones, then I brought my left hand up and rubbed my left eye. While I trying to get the itching sensation from my eye away, a big yawn from my mouth. I stopped messing with my eye, brought my left hand down, and covered my mouth to try to stifle it. (How many of you yawned?)

With no use, my hand dropped back on the bed and with tired eyes I looked about the brightly sunlit bedroom. I really needed to clean my room soon. I had clothes in places were they didn't belong, art stuff in a mess on my desk, and a blue tarp still on my carpet. I groaned aloud just thinking about cleaning. No, thank you. I may be nineteen and technically an adult, but I still hated cleaning.

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