Chapter 8: A Gift

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Hello again! Thanks for 40K views! I would like to dedicate this chapter to LunaEtoile because it was just her birthday and she asked me if I could update as present to her. I hope you enjoy!

An important note: When you read this story, imagine someone in real life being the main character and reacting to situations like a normal person would. The main character has cancer which is not a fictional thing, so I'm trying to make this story as real as possible, even though this is a werewolf book.


(Continuation of chapter 7)

No one had said anything.

The elegant lady, Dawn, looked at me with deep confusion, but kept glancing between my mom and I while opening and closing her mouth like she didn't know what to say. I thought it was odd because she made it seem like I should have known what she meant before, but now she made it appear like she wasn't sure if she should answer me.

My mom's expression, however, seemed to be the complete opposite of Dawn's. She gave off the impression that she was a little annoyed. She was fidgeting in her seat while looking at Dawn with a slight frown and glare. However, when she glanced at me, in her chocolate brown eyes, I could see worry... worry? Why was she worried?

Just like Dawn, I was confused. I had asked a simple question about her name and received no answer in response. What was the problem?

After some time of silence, I brought my right hand and rubbed my face in annoyance as I exhaled deeply through my nose. Both of the women's heads snapped to my form still standing in the middle of the kitchen, strangely seeming to have heard my loud breath.

"You know what? Whatever," I said as I dropped my hand back to my side. I looked back at my mom when I spoke again," I just came down to say that I'll be heading out now."

Mom blinked slowly twice and nodded before a smile grew on her face. She got up from her seat and walked over to me to embrace me.

"Okay, sweety. See you when you get back and remember, be safe," she happily said and then quietly asked in my ear," You have your stuff right?" I nodded into her shoulder knowing what she was talking about. She then pulled back from our hug and smiled at me again.

"Make sure you get back before your dad gets back, alright?"

"Don't worry, if I don't make it back, then I'll just call," I said reassuringly.

She nodded, pleased with my answer as I turned to look at Dawn. She had been watching my mom and I's exchange with a scrutinizing manner, before a beaming smile adorned her mouth when she saw me looking.

"It was nice to meet you Dawn and I'm sorry that I can't stay and talk more, but I have somewhere to me," I explained softly.

She, with a warm expression, replied back," It's alright darling and it was nice to meet you as well. I hope to see you again soon so we can chat and get to know each other better."

"Yes, that'd be nice," I said slowly as I furrowed my brow.

I expressed my goodbyes to Mom and Dawn once more before I spun around on my heels and walked out of the kitchen. When I was in the living room and walking to the front door, I muttered under my breath," What a weird first impression."

I didn't even know that lady, yet she wanted to know me personally. Yeah, she was Mom's friend and all, I didn't really know how I felt about her interest in me. I had many things buried too deep in my soul as it was. When I was close to the entrance to the house though, I heard soft whispers coming from the kitchen.

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