'Ms. Marvel: Super Famous' Review

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I read the first Ms. Marvel collection book and wasn't that impressed. I liked the idea, a teenage, female superhero who was designed for great things, but the plot didn't seem that original and while Kamala, the main character, was extremely relatable, the story didn't give her justice. Determined to give Ms. Marvel another try, I went to the library and checked out Super Famous. Okay, Super Famous is probably the best graphic story I've read, right next to Raina Telgemeier's Smile.

Kamala is swamped by homework, social life, family life, Avengers' life, and city life. She is stressed and over-exhausted, but still determined to be a hero. I loved how the book teaches readers it's okay to ask and accept help. This lesson can be seen through other stories, but rarely in such an honest way. Most books put accepting help as a secondary thing, Ms. Marvel labels it as number one.

The book also stars a Muslim main character. The other characters are just as realistic. (SPOILER ALERT) Zoe, Kamala's friend, comes out as gay in the next collection. Nakia, also Muslim, is a tough, strong girl. Bruno, although a boy genius, is a kind, relatable character. Bruno's girlfriend Mike has a lesbian parentage and is also fat. (END SPOILER ALERT) All these characters display the world as how most people see it, full of diversity.

Well, Super Famous is an amazing collection and I hope everyone reading this will read it some day. Thanks for reading!

Reviewer: Darcy Hongyue

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