'The Undivulged Son' Review

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If you are looking for a thrilling, fast-paced supernatural adventure brimming with cliffhangers and twists, Egwuji's The Undivulged Son, which can be read for free on Wattpad, is the book for you. In this tale, Egwuji takes readers on a dynamic adventure with characters full of heart and a story that has much to say about redemption, family, and growth.

What I enjoyed:
-The characters are so much fun. Each of them are quite complicated, as readers will quickly find out, but over the course of the novel, readers are sure to get attached. Even the demon characters are given complex storylines with intriguing endings.
-The writing is fast-paced with descriptions that are concise, but give readers a good understanding of the world the story takes place. It's hard to get bored reading a tale that has a twist or cliffhanger at every turn. Even with all these twists, the story never feels overburdened and most plotlines are resolved by the end and the ones that aren't are hinted at being continued in the sequel.
-The plot itself is fascinating. As someone who is not a fan of romance or supernatural stories, I found this novel to be a pleasant surprise. Even though some part definitely made cringe, there were many heartwarming scenes that raised intriguing points about what it means to redeem yourself and trust others even though it's hard.

What I thought could be better:
-The treatment of the women in this novel could have been a lot better. They mostly are there to support the main character Ian's characterization and are not given the enough space to be individualized. Fortunately, the author is working on rewriting some of the scenes and adding more chapters in order to deepen the personalities of the female characters.
-The ending definitely felt rushed and could have been more drawn out to allow the final action scenes to feel more dramatic and impactful.

Overall, I recommend The Undivulged Son to adults looking for a quick read that will be sure to enthrall you with its action and twists. The novel's willingness to dive deep into topics of redemption and family will make the read worthwhile.

Reviewer: Darcy Hongyue

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