"He's right mom."

"Fine, I'll meet you two at the school."

She reluctantly releases Kenzie from her grasp as I make my way towards the door with Kenzie trailing behind me. I hop in the drivers seat and locked the door when she tried to get in the passengers.

"Jake unlock the door."

She demands jokingly, pulling on the handle as an attempt to open it.

"Get in the back, Kriss is sitting in the front."


She yells while putting a hand up to her heart.


I say with a wide smile. She groans and makes her way to the back seat after I unlocked the door.

"I could kill you right now."

She mumbles angrily under her breath, rolling her eyes. I start the car and drive towards Kriss's house.

"Yeah yeah, you would do the same thing if it was you and Kyle."

I fire back at her just before stopping at a red light.

"Hey, are you two dating?"


I could see her smirk through the rearview mirror.

"You sure about that?"

"Yes McKenzie."

It's true we're not dating, yet. Not at the moment.

"Fine fine, okay."

I roll my eyes and pulled into Kriss's drive way before honking the horn. He rushes out the house and towards my car. His soft blond hair flowing with every step. My trance is interrupted by a knock on the window.

"How about you unlock the door lover boy."

Kenzie says with a wide smile and sparkling eyes. Glaring at her, I unlock the door. He slowly hops in and buckles up but freezes when Kenzie comes into view.

"Oh I-I'm sorry, Kenzie did you want to sit in the front?"

She says nothing and looks at him as though she just saw a fluffy bear give a puppy a kiss. I know he's adorable but damn.

"So. Cute!"

Kenzie says while touching the hair that wasn't being covered by the square shaped graduation cap.

"She's fine Krissy."

I say, while removing her hand off his hair. He quickly nods his head before bringing it down as he blushes uncontrollably because of what I called him. I smile to myself just before driving off towards the school. The ride wasn't that long and I park my car once we get there.

"We're here now lets go."

Climbing out the car, I make my way towards the school. Kenzie runs ahead, probably to meet up with Kyle. Now, where's Kriss? I look behind me and find him still in the same spot not moving an inch.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

I say quietly. He just brings his head down while putting his thumbs into the pockets of the graduation gown. It was almost to big for him because of his height.

"It's just......so many people. Wonder if I end up doing something stupid and everyone laughs."

'I would beat the crap out of every last one of them' is what I wanted to say but refrained from doing so.

Falling For My Teacher {COMPLETED} *Where stories live. Discover now