Chapter 5 Pieces Of A Bigger Puzzle

Start from the beginning

Your feet stopped just in front of the picture and now you could truly see every detail of it, every nook every cranny that was offered to you. It was a sweet picture of younger you, holding onto a stuffed animal so very tightly with your teeth showing and your eyes squinting up at the camera. Truly the picture of a child caught in an exciting moment.

You wanted to touch the picture, you wanted to go back to those days of innocence that weren't filled with nightmares. Nightmares, are all you ever seemed to have after-

"You really don't remember, do ya kid?" The sudden voice startled you. You thought you had been alone but now you knew that wasn't true. You didn't want to turn around, you didn't want to see who was speaking to you. (Even if you thought you had been alone, the truth of it was there was one more person watching this, holding onto your leg like a kid, with glaring eyes towards the voice who had dared to speak to you.)

"Remember what?" Your mouth moved for you, it hadn't been what you wanted to say. You'd rather not acknowledge someone else besides you was here but it seemed that wasn't going to happen.

You turned around, to face who ever had spoken to you to stare down into the eyes of who ever had been following you. What you were met with was horrifying.

Eyes stared down at you intensely, looking rotted from behind the mask, the smell of rotting flesh filled the air and was enough to make you gag. It was horrifying, seeing what used to be a man standing there in that golden Bonnie suit. But it looked aged now, decay chewing at the old joints and faceplate.

You didn't want to say anything, you wanted to vomit or cry or do both. Your body was shaking and your heart was once again racing within your chest. Oh the want to scream or cry, but that want wasn't something obtainable. You knew deep down who this man was, or who this man used to be, and your body was afraid of him. For he was the man from the dream you had at work, only it was like you were gazing at him from another point in time. Much farther away in time than you were currently at.

His gaze was locked with the picture of you, rather than staring at you like he had been, he seemed to be thinking. You didn't want to spend another moment here. You didn't want to see this-this monster. This scary monster that likes the dark. No matter how much you wanted to run your feet remained rooted to the ground, keeping you firmly in place.

"It's amazing," his eyes gazed at you now, "how the human brain functions. If something traumatic happens, something that would stunt growth or cause some sort of medical issue, it just forces you to forget what happened. Funny how that works huh? How it can make you forget something that used to be so precious to you, all for the sake of keeping you sane as you grow up."

What was he going on about? What did he mean by that? You haven't forgotten anything, you haven't gone through anything traumatic! Wouldn't someone of told you if you had? Wouldn't that be something a doctor would tell you? It's getting hard to breath. You felt like someone was squeezing your throat hoping to make you choke.

You took a step back, not wanting to stand any closer than you had to to that thing. The want to cry out was bubbling deeply inside of you, but no one would hear you it was just you and him.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about." The words once again left your lips before your mind could have any say over them. The look in the eyes of the man darkened, it was clear that his intent was malicious, like so many years ago.

"Of course ya don't." He seemed amused with you, amused with the fact you were beginning to take slow steps backwards in an attempt to get away from him. Amused with the fear that was written on your face in your eyes.

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