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"Alright. Here's the plan. Clint, you take the twins." Steve announces as he hands out the ear pieces. "Scott you're with us, and Sam you're with Buck." I say and Scott fistpumps into the air and yells 'yes' while Sam and Bucky on the other hand give a chorus of whines. "What! Why me?" Sam charges towards me and Buck stares at him disgusted.

"Because I said so." I grin at him. And because Steve told me about the little fight in the car over the limited amount of space they had and also because Buck won't talk to me, so I guess this is a little payback and they could really use the bonding experience. "I'll go with Steve and you guys can use the time to catch up." Sam insists but I shake my head and give him a mischevious smirk. "Then catch him up to our time. You need new friends."

"But friends don't try to kill each other." He persists. "You're right." I say and he sighs in relief before I continue. "That's what family does."

"Cute. But still doesn't explain why your grumpy ass-"

"-Alright guys. We're not the only ones who made calls so whatever happens we all make a run for the Quinjet once we find it." Steve cuts off Sam and begins telling everyone our plan to escape. I walk over closer to Sam and Bucky who are currently checking their weapons. "Look, Tony brought the kid from Queens, so please whatever happens don't hurt him... badly." I warn them.

"Wait is the one you wanted so badly." Sam asks and I immediately see Bucky tense up because he stopped fixing his gun for a second and stare at me in shock. I push back all emotions and roll my eyes at Sam. "Yeah, that's the one." I force out a chuckle. Besides, I always loved making Bucky jealous or flustered because he always ended up getting all protective which is such a turn on by the way. I pat both of them on their shoulders. "Try not to kill each other." My hand lingers on Bucky for a little longer. Is this what our relationship has come down to?

I choke down the vile rising in mt throat and nod Scott over to follow us as we all begin to depart from one another. "So...is he like a uh..serial killer or something?" Scott whispers to me and glances back to see Bucky.

"He kind of is." I whisper back to him and his eyes go wide. "Now shrink down."


"Ready?" Steve walks up to me. "Yeah." We begin walking through an underpass, just as the chopper comes into line of sight he gives me a signal look and we jog onto the private runway, heading for the grounded chopper. As we get closer an electro disabler latches onto the chopper and we both look up to see Iron Man and War Machine descend. Not surprised at all.

"Wow, it's so weird how you run into people at the airport. Don't you think that's weird?" Tony asks turning to Rhodey. "Definitely weird." He replies.

"Hear me out, Tony. That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this." Steve begins explaining but is cut off by the one and only Black Panther. T'Challa leaps over a truck and lands right next to Tony. "Captain." He greets in his thick accented voice. "Your highness." Steve nods at him. I could really make a princess or cat joke right now but considering this dude has a personal vendetta against my Bucky then a joke might not be a good idea becasue he could possibly murder me right here and right now.

"Anyways." Tony removes his head piece to reveal his bruised up face. "Ross gave me 36 hours to bring you in. That was 24 hours ago. Can you help a brother out?" He aks.

I shake my head. "You're after the wrong guy."

"Your judgment is askew. Your old war buddy killed innocent people yesterday." Tony scoffs and a growl escapes from within my frustrated body.

"And there are five more super soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't." Steve's voice switches to more of an order kind rather than a pleading tone.

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