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"I am so happy he cheated on me", Ellie smiled.

"Yeah me too", I said covering my mouth from saying it too loud.

"Because I would've never got with Taylor and you and Cameron probably wouldn't be in love".

"Probably not. Love is harder than I thought it would be".

"I've never been in love. Yeah I've told guys I love them but it was all lust. I really wanna fall in love like you did."

"Honestly I'm still trying to comprehend the fact that we're not in high school anymore. In high school everyone said things that they didn't mean. For example, Cameron. I said I hated him but clearly that has changed".

"Yeah I know. I remember when Cameron and I were on dates you two would bicker the whole entire time and I would leave the date pissed.", said with a small laugh.

"A lot has changed since then. But I'm excited for the future. Life isn't supposed to be easy", I nodded.

"Yeah if it were easy, we could get whatever we want. I would probably be married if life were easy and I could wish for anything".

"To Taylor?", I asked confused.

"I don't know. He's a great guy and I can only hope he's the one but if he isn't then I guess not", she shrugged.

"And now batting 4th in the line up, 1st base Cameron Dallas", the announcer said.

"Wow how the heck did we miss the first half of the inning and 3 batters?", I asked looking to see people on first and second base.

"I have no clue", Ellie laughed.

I looked down near home plate to see Cameron in his swinging stance as the umpire called a ball that was in the outside corner.

"Who's he? He's hot?", a girl said as I turned around to see her pointing at Cameron.

"How can you see?, he has a helmet on", her friend laughed.

"He's the first basemen and he has ass so he wins.", she said proudly smiling.

I turned back and faced forward to see that Cameron had walked.

When the game was over, the players stood out of the park waiting. As I was leaving the park I felt a tug on my hand,

"Aren't you gonna congratulate me?", Cameron said as I turned around.

"Sorry I didn't notice you. Congratulations", I said as he pecked my lips.

"You didn't even notice me in this", he said showing off himself in his baseball uniform.

"Oh nice ass", I laughed lightly smacking it. "Damn girl", he said slinging his arm around me.

"Hey Cameron", the girl from behind me said as she smiled widely.

"Hey um....", he said sounding confused as if he didn't know her name.

"Holly", she smiled.

The change up (Sequel to the perfect season)Where stories live. Discover now