I snap my head around to glare at her, being met with a broken and glassy-eyed Grace.

"Aly, you're shooting bad people."

"Oh, now you believe that? First I was a murderer, and now I'm a hero?"


"No, Grace! Listen to me!"

I scramble up off of the couch, running my hands through my hair and pacing around the back of the couch.

"I trust too easily. You and Roy have been my second family for years and you two are all I have. I got arrested in the middle of the night! There was enough of a case built around me alone for a warrant to bust into my house!"

"Aly, you told me when we were completely alone! You told Roy in a bar."

I stop pacing with my hands caught in my hair, staring at the wall farther in front of me.



"Someone could've heard me."

"I mean, I guess. Is there any other leads?"

I change my glance from the wall, to Grace and then towards the floor as a loud groan escapes the back of my throat.

"You know who did it."

"I have an idea."


"I'm not the only Hitman. Not to mention, I know a lot of people with a lot of grudges."


Pulling up outside of your 'typical family looking home' was not the way I planned on spending my day. Especially with Grace, who, might I add, I still don't completely trust.

"What are we doing here?"

Looking towards the obnoxiously yellow door, a scowl makes its way onto my face.

"I had a hit the second I escaped."

"What does that have to do..."

She trails off, but then screams out,


I sigh, nodding,

"Apparently, my father isn't who he says he is."

"I thought you said you know who turned you in. I'm not being an accomplice to murder, Alyson!"

"Grace, calm down. There's a reason we're here and it's not to kill my dad."

"Then what is it?"

I sigh, shutting my car door and climbing out of the now cold car. Leaning against the driver's side door, I stare across the street at my childhood home. The door behind me slams shut and I'm joined by my smaller friend.


"I have a feeling someone is trying to set me up."

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