46. Little Surprises

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I headed down the stairs, dressed and ready to go to the bar with Zach and Eli so they can murder my liver. And, as always, they aren't even ready and down here. "Guys, haul ass!"

I heard a loud shatter followed by a thump from the kitchen, and I peeked around the corner to see what it was. My eyes widened and I ran into the kitchen. "Harlow!"

She had fallen on her back, and she wasn't moving. Broken glass and water covered the floor and there wasn't a doubt in my mind that she got cut. A stool had been knocked over. I crouched next to her and patted her cheek. She slowly opened her eyes, and groaned in pain. "What–what happened? Are you okay?" I put a hand on her belly.

"I'm...I'm fine." She tried to get up, and her hand pressed into the piece of glass before I could stop her. "Ow!"

"Hold on, I've got you." I readied to lift her bridal style and helped her to stand up. "Now, what happened?"

"Let me clean it up—"

"No, I'll get it. Just tell me what happened while I clean you up." She sighed and sat on the stool, holding her hand.

I got a first aid kit we had under the sink and set it on the counter opening it. I grabbed some tweezers and began to pull the small shard of glass from her cut. She winced, and began to explain what happened.

"I was getting some water and I spilled some on the floor, and when I went to clean it up, I slipped. I must've hit my head because I blacked out. It was so stupid, I'm sorry." She shook her head and I pursed my lips, just glad she appeared okay and didn't fall forwards.

"It's okay. Are you alright? Do we need to go to the hospital, does anything feel wrong?" I asked, wrapping a bandage around her hand after applying Neosporin.

"No. I more fell on my butt than my back. I just have a headache from hitting my head on the counter or something." She kept her frown and I kissed her head.

"Want me to get you some aspirin?"

"No, it's fine." She propped her elbow on the counter and rested her chin in her palm, sighing lightly. I crouched down with the washcloth and used it to pick up the glass that was broken in five or six big pieces. It wasn't a super expensive glass, we had plenty others. "Don't cut yourself." She mumbled, making me smile.

I trashed the glass and cleaned up the water, and finally Eli and Zach were ready to go.

"Bye, bellissima." I pecked her lips and she grabbed my hand.

"Where're you going?" She asked.

"Bachelor party!" Zach cheered, running and jumping to sit on the counter.

"Didn't Dominic tell you not to do that?" Eli cocked an eyebrow at him as he stood across from her. Zach just stuck his tongue out at him.

"As long as you're not going to a strip club or doing something to get you killed, I'm good." She smiled. I looked at Zach with an expression full of 'I told you so', and he just stuck his tongue out at me. I rolled my eyes and put my attention back to Harlow.

"Just a few drinks. Well, see you Har." Eli shuffled her hair. Zach rolled off of the counter and came around to give her a short hug. "Later, cupcake." He followed Eli out.

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