Chapter 2 First Night Terrors

Start from the beginning

Maybe it was just nerves. Maybe it was anxiety after what (F/N) had said. Maybe you're just not sure how to really feel being back here again after so long. But regardless of what it was, you still felt fearful. Like you were staring the grim reaper in the face, scythe extended out before you ready to slice your head off.

You swallowed the lump in your throat at the thought. You certainly didn't like that idea. Staring death in the eyes like that.

Oh god what if this is where I die?

The nervous thought entered your mind while you gazed up at the still illuminated logo of the pizzeria. You're being ridiculous. Why would you even entertain the thought of that? Dying here? As if. You're trying to hard to convince yourself you're safe. Take a deep breath. It'll be okay. After all, this was an important place in your childhood.

The animatronics were your friends! Well little (Y/N)'s friends. You're an adult now, you realize they're just machines. But that child like thought was still inside your mind.

I'm going to be fine.

You shook your head, as if that would shake off any bad things around you. A final consolation before you began your march towards the glass doors you had entered merely a few hours before now. It's silent again, like it was last night. Like it was when the eyes looked at you.

But luckily the increasing silence was washed away easily by the sound of your shoes clicking against the sidewalk during your march to the glass doors.

This is it, finally you're here with a job. All you have to do is go inside and run through the training before starting your first shift. It pays well, so there's nothing to worry about right? Just focus on the fact that everything's going to be okay. Everything is going to be okay.

Regardless of just how much of a pep talk you were trying to give yourself, you felt fear slowly creeping in on you again when you looked inside through the glass doors. The shadows that danced across the room inside. Blocked off to you but easy enough to see.

It was darker than it was when you were here earlier, obviously, it seems only a few lights were still on inside to preserve power. So you assumed for you. But despite the logic, it was still enough to give you that eerie feeling. Like someone was watching you. (Though maybe it was weird to say, it wasn't those eyes you feared the most. Something different.)

Shakily you reached for the handle, now just wanting to get this over with. Just go in, you can do that. Just open the door and walk inside.

Gripping the handle, you pulled at it, attempting to open the door, until you felt some sort of breath against the back of your neck as if someone was right behind you. Looming over you. Your hairs all stood on end, and quickly you jerked your head behind you, hand instinctively reaching inside your pocket to grab for your (multitool/knife/pepper spray) that you always kept with you.

But upon turning around there was no one there. Not a soul insight. Just the empty parking lot. Now you're freaking out a bit. You thought you heard someone almost half scoffing and half laughing at you. But that's impossible.

It's just a trick, just my imagination playing games with me.

You turned your head around to look back at the door, you can feel your self shaking still.


Ignoring your doubts, you pulled open the door with more force this time. Quickly taking hasty steps inside the entrance of the restaurant, as if being inside now was safer than being outside. The door slowly shut behind you, not making a sound until it closed but even then that was gentle.

Insomnia (A Five Night's at Freddy's Various X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now