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( don't start song yet )

"Jonah, corbyn, Zach I messed up guys " jack said bursting into the room waking all of us up. " what do u mean bro " Zach asked. Jack was about to say something until he saw me And got mad. " MIA WHAT ARE U DOING HERE " he yelled. " I was sleeping " I
Said. " I THOUGHT U HAD TO GO HOME " he yelled. " I did I walked all the way over there but remembered that Logan had that girl over and I couldn't be there so I came back here I didn't want to see your face so I slept in zachs bed and he slept downstairs " I explained. " SO WHY IS HE IN THE BED NOW " he yelled. " bc he kept on falling off the couch " I said. " BULLSHIT " he yelled. " RLLY JACK AGAIN WHAT DO U THINK WE DID HAD SEX WOULD I DO THAT " I yelled. " WHY THE HELL ARE U WEARING HIS SHIRT " he yelled. " BC I NEEDED SOMETHING TO SLEEP IN WHY ELSE JACK HUH " I yelled. " BC U GUYS HAD SEX " he yelled. " YEA THATS WHAT HAPPENED I HAD SEX WITH ZACH CORYBN AND JONAH AND DIDNT MAKE A SOUND YEA THATS WHAT HAPPENED " I yelled. " I knew it " he said. " JACK THAT WAS A LIE I WOULD NEVER I CANT BELIEVE U " I yelled. " I MEAN NOT EVERYONE IS WHO THEY SAY THEY ARE " he yelled. " yea u would know " I said. " WHAT " he yelled. " I SAID U WOULD KNOW " I yelled. " what do u mean " he asked. " I MEAN THE BET JACK I THOUGHT THAT U WERE IN LOVE WITH ME BUT I WAS A BET I WAS NOTHING BUT MONEY TO U " I yelled. " what's going On in here " Daniel asked walking in. " did we wake u sorry Danny " I said. " DO U WANT TO GET IN HIS PANTS TOO " jack yelled. " JACK WHAT IS WRONG WITH U I WOULD NEVER CHEAT OK I LOVE U WAY TOO MUCH. " I said. " YEA OK " he yelled. " jack are u trying to lose your girl already " Zach asked. " idk will u try to take her if I do " he said. " JACK WHAT IS WRONG WITH U " I yelled. " idk WHY DONT U ASK ZACH OR MAYBE CORBYN " he yelled. " UR NOT GOING BELIEVE ME NOTHING HAPPENED " i yelled. " YEA OK " he yelled. " U KNOW WHAT IM GOING HOME " I said grabbing my phone and charger. " REALLY WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF AN ARGUMENT " jack yelled. " THAT WE SHOULDN'T BE HAVING BC U CANT TRUST ME AND BELIEVE ME WHEN I TELL U NOTHING HAPPENED BUT AGAIN IM WASTING MY TIME TRYING TO EXPLAIN THAT TO U SO IM LEAVING " I said. " NO U DONT JUST GET TO WALK OUT LETS TALK THIS OUT " jack yelled. " HOW MANY TIMES ARE WE GOING TO TALK THINGS OUT JACK HUH WE DO THAT EVERYTIME AND IM TIRED OF IT SO IM GOING HOME " I yelled. " thank u corbyn, Jonah, and Zach for letting me stay in your room and thank u Zach for letting me sleep in your bed bye guys " I said. " Zach I'll give u back your shirt later if that's ok " I said. " yea that fine bye sis " he said hugging me. " GET OFF OF HER " jack said pulling us apart. " JACK I DONT KNOW WHO U ARE " I said crying. " what do u mean " jack said. " YOUR NOT YOURSELF JACK " I said running out the room. I ran out the house and got in my car turning it on droving off fast. " why does this happen to me " I said crying. I just cried so my vision was blurry so it was hard for me to see. I stopped the car not caring where I was and cried harder. I started the car and started driving fast when my phone went off. I looked at it and saw it was Jake.

Jake: hey Mia where are u

Mia: driving

Jake: woah Mia why are u crying

Mia: I'm not

Jake: Mia your my sister yes u are and why

Mia: bc jack and I go-

Then everything went blank
( start song now )

Jakes pov

" Mia MIA ANSWER ME " I yelled into the phone. " what's wrong Jake " Logan asked me since he was at my house. " I was talking to mia on the phone just now and there was a loud bang then the call ended " I said. " bro let me see where she is " Logan said but when he took out his phone it started ringing. " what Ayla " Logan said putting the phone on speaker. " Logan I just I'm sorry " she said. " what Ayla spit it out " he said. " I just saw Mia get in a rlly bad car accident " she said crying. " what do u mean " Logan said. " she was driving fast and there was a drunk driver in the wrong lane and hit her dead on " she said crying harder. " is she ok " Logan asked. " idk Logan but she looked like she was crying " she said. " ok send me your location I'm on my way " he said. He hung up and his phone went off it was Ayla sending him her location. " lets go dude " I said. We all got in our cars and drove to the location. When we got there I broke down in tears. " no no no no nooooo" I cried. " I'm so sorry babe " Erica said hugging me letting me cry on her shoulder. Everyone was crying when we saw my sister in the accident.

Daniels pov

" do u like hurting her jack " I said to jack. " what do u mean maybe she shouldn't have cheated " he said. " she didn't I was awake all night Zach just got in the bed like an hour before u came in " I said. " yea u would defend her ur her fucking bestfriend " he said. " bro u know I hate your gf nothing happened I swear on my life " Jonah said. " I fucked up again why do I ALWAYS FUCK UP " he said. " idk but we need to go to the studio so let's start getting ready " I said walking out the room. We all got ready and got in the car. We were driving down the street when we saw a bad car accident. " woah that's bad " corbyn said. " it's looks like Mia's car " Jonah said. " yea but it's not her what's the actual chance of it being her " I said. " it is there's Jake crying sitting down on the crub and logans crying. So is team 10 that's Mia " Jonah said. " STOP THE CAR NOW " Zach yelled and the driver stopped it. " woah what's going on " jack asked waking up. Zach opened the door and was getting out. " it's Mia " I said crying. " what do u mean " jack asked confused. I moved out the way and he saw the accident. " no no no no " he said getting out the car. I jumped out the car and ran up to the accident.

Jacks pov

When I saw Mia I was so scared. I jumped over everyone and got out the car running up to the car. " JACK WHAT DID U DO " Jake yelled when he saw me. " what do u mean " Logan asked still in tears. " MIA WAS CRYING WHEN I CALLED HER AND ALL GOT TO SAY WAS JACK AND I GO THEN THE CALL ENDED WHAT DID U DO " he yelled. " we got into an argument " I said looking down. " ABOUT WHAT JACK " Logan yelled this time. " about Myles then her cheating " I said. " what " Erica asked crying. " we got Into an argument last night and so she went back home but since she wasn't aloud to be there she came back and slept In their room and in zachs bed with his shirt on so I thought she cheated and she tried telling me the truth but I wouldn't listen so she ran out the house in tears and got in the car and drove off " i said looking down. " WHY ARE U ALWAYS CAUSING HER PAIN JACK WHHY " Logan yelled. " IDK OK IM SORRY I Didn't mean for any of this to happen " I said now in tears. " yea ok " Erica said. " DO U THINK I WANT TO SEE HER LIKE THIS IM IN LOVE WITH THIS GIRL I CANT LIVE WITHOUT HER. I NEED HER ITS ALL MY FAULT " I yelled. " YOU JUST CAUSE HER PAIN JACK THATS ALL U DO " Logan yelled. " I DONT MEAN TO AND IF U CANT SEE THAT THEN FUCK U " I said. Logan punched me in the face knocking me on the ground. " u need to stay away from her I mean it when she wakes up in the hospital u will tell her that u guys can't see each other anymore then walk out u got that " Jake said. " but I love her " I said. " well u should of thought about that before u cause the pain " Logan said. They both walked away and I cried.

The bet (jack Avery story )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant