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I woke up to my alarm which meant it was 8 it was time to get ready for breakfast. " myles wake up " i said. " mmm why " he said. " so we can go get breakfast " i said standing up. " oh yea " he said getting up. " well i have to go now " i said. " why " he asked. " because i brought lazy day clothes so i need to go home to get good clothes so that i can look my best " i said. " oh ok wait what restaurant are we going to " he asked getting up. " umm ihop " i said grabbing all of my stuff. " oh hold on let me change out of your shirt " i said going to grab my leggings. " no it's fine i'll get it some other time " he said stopping me. " ok thanks i have to leave now myles " i said walking out his room. " let me walk you out " he said following me out of his house to logan's car. " thank you myles for letting me stay the night and letting me borrow your shirt " i said. " anytime " he said smiling. " bye Myles" i said starting the car. " bye shortcake " he said. I backed out of his driveway and drove back to logan's house. I parked his car then i grabbed my stuff and walked into the apartment everyone was staring at me since i only had myles shirt on and slides with my hair messed up. I opened the door and walked in. " I'M HOME BITCHES " I yelled closing the door. " MIA SAY HI TO THE LOGANG " logan said walking up to me. " HI LOGANG " I said to the camera. " woah sissy did you have sex " he asked. " WAIT WHAT " i heard someone else yell. " logan who else is here " i asked. " the BOYSSSS " he yelled the last part and then the why don't we boys popped out of nowhere. " anyways answer my question did you " logan said. " haha no why do you ask " i said walking to my room. " bc you're wearing some guys shirt " he said pointing at my outfit. " oh yea i forgot a shirt to sleep in so he let me use his " i explained. " ok good " he said. " alright well i'm going to go get ready for breakfast " i said closing my door. I put my stuff down on the floor then i went to my closet and picked out my outfit. I decided to wear a tank crop top, white high waisted shorts, and black heels. I put on my outfit, makeup, and did my hair.

I looked at my whole outfit in the mirror and loved it

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

I looked at my whole outfit in the mirror and loved it. I looked at my phone and saw that it was 9:30 already. I walked out my room and it was quiet in the apartment. " LOGAN DON'T U SCARE ME I'M NOT IN THE MOOD " i yelled but no one answered. So i looked in his room he wasn't there i looked in his closet  and he wasn't there i looked everywhere in this apartment and no one was here. I grabbed my phone, wallet and logan's keys then left. I called logan and after what seemed like forever he finally answered.

Logan: yo what's up

Mia: Logan i like how you just left me at home

Logan: sorry i had to get something from the boy's house but my car's there so use it

Mia: i already am and it would have been nice for you to text me or call me to tell me that you left

Logan: i yelled it before i left

Mia: logan i was getting ready so i didn't hear u

Logan: that sounds like a you problem sooo

The bet (jack Avery story )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن