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Jack pulled up to chipotle and we all got down. Once we ordered I payed for mine and jacks. " hey baby " he said. " yea " I said. " ur so beautiful " he said. " jack stop ur making me blush " I said looking down. " your even more beautiful when u blush " he said. " aww thank u baby " I said. " anytime " he said kissing my nose. " are u going to vlog today " he asked. " yea but my cameras in the car " I said. " ok let's finish eating then we can go " he said. " ok " I said. We ate and walked out to the car. Jack was still driving and I was still in the passenger seat. " GUYS I'M GOING TO START MY VLOG " I yelled in the car. " ok " Daniel said. " HIIII GUYS welcome back to my channel " I said into the camera. " geez Mia can u scream any louder " Zach asked. " YUP " I said yelling louder. " anyways I'm here with the one and only Christina and the why don't we boys " I said facing the camera at everyone. " hello everyone " corbyn said into the camera. " so right now we are in the car and where are we going babe " I said pointing the camera at jack who is driving. " cedar point " he said. " yup I love going there. Which the boys have never been to but Christina has " I said. " correct " Zach said. " so this should be fun" I said. I turned off my camera and set it down. " my vlog is dry " I said. " why don't u do like a car pool karaoke " Daniel said. " Daniel " I said looking back at him. " what did I do wrong " he said confused. " that's such a good idea " I said. I set up my camera on the dashboard and turned it on. " so off camera I told everyone my Vlog was dry and Daniel here came up with the best idea ever. Which was " I said. " CARPOOL KARAOKE " Daniel yelled. " yup so everyone will be able to play songs but I pick the first one " I said plugging in my phone. I played nobody gotta know by why don't we. " I've been missing, I've been crushing on u all night " I sang to jack. " I should take u to the moon that's a Long flight " he sang to me. We continued singing and sang other songs. It was jacks turn to pick a song and he picked my song brand new. We all sang along. " alright see y'all in a little " I said covering the lens then turning off the camera. " BAAAAAABE " jack said. " yes jacky " I said. " I love u " he said. " I love u too baby " I said. " oh and also I want a kiss " he said. " but your driving " I said. " not rn " he said when he stopped at the red light. " ok fine " I said getting up from my seat and giving him a kiss. " thanks boo " he said in a weird voice. " no problem bae " I said laughing. When we got to cedar point we parked and got down. We all got there at the same time. " so we have made it to cedar point and now we are going to take pictures" I said to the camera. " so what u vlog now " Jake said walking up to me. " yup u want to say hi " I said pointing the camera at him. " hi guys " he said. Jack ran up to me and picked me up spinning me around. " hi my love " I said looking down at him. " hi princess " he said. " guess what " he said still holding me. " what " I said looking into the camera. " this " he said. Then he put his face into my stomach tickling me so I started laughing. " jack... stop " I said laughing. " give me a kiss " he said puckering his lips. I bent down and kissed him. " AWW COUPLE GOALS " Jake yelled in a white girl voice making us laugh. He put me down and I pointed the camera at him and he started running away. " Babe " I said chasing after him. " yes " he said turning around. " say hi to my fans " I said. " no u know I'm camera shy " he said moving so he wouldn't be on camera. " yea right jack u take pictures with fans all the time " I said. " damn it u got me " he said pressing me against his chest. " can we go take pictures now " he asked. " woah jack avery wants to take pictures " I said. " I mean we look fucking cute so yea " he said. " ok come on " I said laughing. " Erica can u take our picture " I asked. " yea sure " she said. I handed her my phone then jack and I started posing. The first picture was a regular picture. The second one was me kissing his cheek. The third one was him kissing my cheek. Then the last one was of him picking me up and my legs wrapped around his torso. " thank u Erica " I said getting down from jack. " anytime I'll be your guys photographer " she said handing back my phone. I showed jack all the pictures and he liked them. I made a collage and then posted it on twitter.

I'm so lucky to have@jackaverymusic in my life love u baby boy

After I posted it on twitter jacks phone went off. 

Aww babe we look so cute I'm so glad to have @miapaul in my life. I love u too baby girl

He posted. After I read it I looked up at him and he looked up at me smiling. " alright lets go in " I said. We all got our tickets and I was walking with Myles. " hey meelz " I said. " hey Mia " he said. " hey what's wrong " I asked. " nothing " he said. " Myles tell me " I said. " I SAID NOTHING NOW LEAVE ME ALONE " he yelled walking closer to me. " WOAH WOAH WOAH buddy back up " jack said running up to us and standing in front of me. " of course her little prince here to rescue her " Myles said. " Myles what's wrong with u " I said. " nothing I already said that " he said. " lets go and have fun Mia " jack said. I walked away and jack grabbed my hand interlocking our fingers. " I wonder what's wrong with him " I said. " idk but all I know is that he has one more time to snap on u like that and I'm going to beat his ass " jack said getting mad. " woah calm down like u said let's go have some fun " I said. We got on rides and hung out. Myles was really quite throughout the whole day but I didn't really mind.

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