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" hey Mia how does it feel to be 18" Erica asked. " it feels good " I said driving. " do hou feel any different " Tessa asked. " I feel old " I said laughing. " haha how do you think I feel I'm 23 " Erica said. " wait really  you look like your 20 " I said. " yea I'm old " she said making everyone laugh. " well I just got a text saying that when we get to the why don't we house we have to wait outside till the boys come out and get us because they already got there" Tessa said. " ok " I said. We got to the why don't we house 10 minutes after that. " alright text Logan that we are here" I said. " nope he said that you have to text jack "  Tessa said. " ugh ok " I said pulling out my phone.

Mia: hey I'm here

Jack: ok coming out

Mia: ok

He walked out and smiled when he saw me. " hi Mia " he said. " hey jack " I said back. " ok so I need you to put on this blindfold " he said pulling a blindfold from his back pocket. " uhhh jack but my make up " I whined. " so your beautiful without your make up " he said making me smile. " ok fine I'll put it on " I said. " yay " he said. He put on the blindfold and grabbed my hand. " alright careful we are coming up to the steps " he said. " ok " I said. He helped me walk up the two steps then we stopped walking. " ok ready " he said. " yea " I said. He opened the door and we walked in the house. " ok ready 1...2...3" jack said taking my blindfold off at three. " SURPRISE " everyone yelled. " OMG GUYS " I said putting my hand over my mouth. It was so cute there was a balloon that said 18 and a lit up sign that said happy birthday. I looked around and saw a table with cake and gifts. There were balloons on the ground and in the air. " do you like it " jack asked. " omg yes I do nobody's ever done this for me thank you jack " I said hugging him. " good I was hoping you would " he said in the hug. " OK CAKE TIME " corbyn yelled. " alright birthday girl sit here " jack said getting me a chair. " happy birthday to you " they sang. " blow out the candles " Myles said. I blew out my candles and everyone cheered. " alright Mia open your gifts " Tessa said. " ok " I said standing up. I went and sat down in the couch and everyone brought their gifts to me. Chance got me black and white Jordan's, Anthony got me rose gold beats, Logan got me a MacBook, Erica got me knee high boots, Tessa got me black heels, Emilio got me a penny board, Myles got me 3 pairs of vans, Daniel got me 2 pairs of sunglasses, Jake got me a pair of yeezys, Jonah got me lip gloss and timberlands, corbyn got me white vans, Zach got me another pair of vans, and Ivan got me a outfit.

 Chance got me black and white Jordan's, Anthony got me rose gold beats, Logan got me a MacBook, Erica got me knee high boots, Tessa got me black heels, Emilio got me a penny board, Myles got me 3 pairs of vans, Daniel got me 2 pairs of sunglasses...

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" omg thank you guys so much you shouldn't have " I said

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" omg thank you guys so much you shouldn't have " I said. " well it's your birthday and it's the big 18 " Daniel said. " what I mean is you guys are like family to me so just hanging out with you guys is an amazing gift already I love you guys " I said. " Mia I didn't wear waterproof makeup " Erica said. I looked over and saw her crying. " oh I'm sorry " I said laughing. " hey did you realize that I didn't get u a gift " jack said. " yea but we hung out that's a perfect gift " I said. " well too bad " he said. He handed me a gold small Box with a white ribbon tied to a bow. I opened it and saw a piece of paper in it. I took out the paper unfolded it and read 'will you be my girlfriend '. I looked up at him and saw him smiling at me. " so what do you say will you be my girlfriend " he said. " yes of course I will " I said. I got up and hugged everyone and thanked them for my gift. Then it was jack's turn.

Jack's pov

I felt bad but not at the same time. She said yes she was now thanking everyone and finally came up to me. " hello girlfriend " I said. " Hello boyfriend " she said putting her arms around me and I put my hands on her waist. I still didn't like her but I'm doing it for the money. We looked in each other's eyes. Wow her eyes are such a pretty brown color how have I never noticed that before. I cupped her face and kissed her and she kissed back. This kiss wasn't like any other kiss this kiss felt nice and I felt a spark but it's not like I like her or anything. I mean do I. I don't even know at this moment. We pulled apart to catch our breath and just looked at each other's eyes. " aww couples first kiss " Tessa said. We looked over and saw everyone looking at us. Mia blushed and stuck her face into my chest. " aww you guys are so cute " Erica said. " thank you " I said hugging Mia.

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