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I woke by the sound of something breaking. Then I heard the sounds again it sounded like glass breaking. " Logan " I said getting up. " OWW" I heard Logan yell. " LOGAN LOGAN " I yelled running out of my room. " Logan are u ok " I said running to the kitchen. " yea I'm fine is just cut myself with the broken plates " he said. " OMG U FUCKING DICK U SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME " I yelled. I walked back to my room and saw that I had a missed call from Myles so I called him back.

Myles: hello

Mia: hi did I wake u

Myles: yea but it's cool

Mia: oh sorry I was calling u back what's up

Myles: oh yea I don't have a ride to the baseball game

Mia: ok are u and Jake going

Myles: yea just us

Mia: ok I'll pick u up

Myles: are u sure

Mia: yea it's nothing u wrote a song with me ur are my inspiration I would love to

Myles: aww ok see u in a bit

Mia: ok bye

Myles: bye

I hung up and saw it was 8 and the game started at 1 but we all wanted to eat before we went to the game. I started getting ready since Myles lives 30 minutes away. I connected my Bluetooth speaker to my Phone and went to logans room. " hey Logan I'm going to pick up Myles and jakeey do u still want to ride with me " I asked him. " no I have to take the yeti bc Brandon and them want to ride with me " he said. " oh ok well start getting ready we are all meeting at the why don't we house remember " I said. " yea but I have to pick up Ayla " he said. " oh ok well I'm going to start to get ready " I said walking out his room. " ok " he said closing his door. I walked into my room and closed the door. I walked over to my Phone when I saw I had a message from jack.

Jack: good morning baby remember we are matching today k

Mia: good morning babe and how could I forget

Jack: alright I have to get ready see u later

Mia: same see u later love u

Jack: love u more

Mia: not possible

Jack: yea possible

Mia: ok fine it is possible I have to go now

Jack: ok bye

I put on my why don't we playlist then started getting ready. Today since I was matching with jack i put on my jersey, black tube top,white shorts, blue dodgers vans, and my dodgers hat. I did my make up and straightened my hair putting in my hat.

(Btw if u guys can't picture the outfit she has the tube top under the jersey and her jersey is unbuttoned so u can see the tube top )

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

(Btw if u guys can't picture the outfit she has the tube top under the jersey and her jersey is unbuttoned so u can see the tube top ). By the time I was done it was already 9 so I had to leave then. I grabbed my phone,wallet, and car keys and walked out my room. I walked into logans room and saw him on his phone. " hey Logan I got to go now " I said. " ok be safe see u in a little bit " he said. " oh and take your camera " he said. I shook my head and ran back in my room grabbing my camera. " ALRIGHT BYE LOGAN " I yelled. " oh hi mark " I said opening the door and seeing mark. " IS MARK HERE " Logan yelled. " YUP " I yelled back. " ITS MY BOIIIII " Logan yelled running up to mark. " alright bye Logan and mark " I said. " bye Mia " they both said. I walked out and got into my car. I plugged my phone to the aux and started playing shuffle of all my music. When I pulled up to Myles house I saw other cars. I got out my car and went up to the door and rang the doorbell. " who are u " said the girl who answered the door. " umm is Myles here " I asked. " DOM WHOS AT THE DOOR " jakeey yelled. " SOMEGIRL ASKING FOR MYLES " she yelled back. " OH MIA COME ON IN " he said. I walked in and hugged Jake. " umm can u stop hugging my boyfriend " the girl said. " don't worry he's like a brother to me and who are u " I said. " oh I'm dom HIS girlfriend " she said. " dom calm down " jakeey said. " yea dom calm down " I said. " NO SHE NEEDS TO GET OFF OF U " she yelled. " the last time I checked I don't want him I'm here to pick him and Myles up speaking of Myles where is he " I said. " oh right MYLES MIAS HERE " he yelled. About a couple seconds later we heard fast footsteps. " SHORTCAAAKE " Myles yelled running up to me. " MEELZ " I yelled back. He picked me up and hugged me. " it's been so Long " he said. " yea a month " I said. " OMG rlly " he said. " yup " i said. " SHORRTCAKE " Tia yelled running up to me. " T " I yelled running up to her. We hugged for like 2 minutes before separating. Oh yea Tia and I have became close friends since she's Myles girlfriend and I'm his BESTFRIEND. " how have u been " I asked. " good how about u " she asked. " good " I said. " I heard u and jack are dating " she said. " yup I'm so happy with him " I said. " good alright well boys take care of Mia bc dom and I have to go. have fun at the game " she said. We all walked out said our goodbyes then went our separate ways. When we got in the car Myles sat in the front while jakeey sat in the back. " we are going to the why don't we house first then going to breakfast not rlly sure " I said. " ok " Myles said. " also I vlog now do u guys want to be in the video " I asked. " sure " jakeey said. " of course " Myles said. " ok cool" I said. I plugged my phone back into the aux and started playing music on shuffle and it started playing Myles music.  I started driving when notification played and I turned it up. We started singing alone. Then mobbin started playing as we were pulling up to the boys house. " YOU KNOW I BE MOBBIN" Myles sang. " AND I PUT THAT ON MAMAS " I sang. Myles rolled down the window and got out of his seat and sat on the window. " YOU KNOW I BE MOBBIN " he sang. We pulled up to the boys house and I saw everyone was there and outside. I turned off the car and pushed Myles out the window. " OWWW " he said. I got out the car and started laughing so hard that I fell on the ground. " that...was...so...fucking funny" I laughed. " yea it was so funny I forgot to laugh " Myles said. " aww sorry meelz " I said helping him up. " BABY " jack yelled running up to me. " BABE " I yelled. He picked me up and spun us around kissing me. " AWW COUPLE GOALS " Erica yelled making me laugh. " alright so we all decided that we want mcdonalds and Starbucks " jack said. " ok should we get going since it already 10" corbyn said. " wait I need to start my vlog " I said. I grabbed my camera from my car and turned it On. " WHATS UP GUYS welcome back to my channel. I'm here with my brothers, team 10, Myles and jake Parrish, logans crew, and the why don't we boys and today we are going To a dodgers game " I said. " bro wait what " Logan said. " what Logan " I said. " my little sister is a vlogger " he said. " yea " I said. " she's growing up so fast " he said wiping away his fake tears. " oh shut up " I said. " LETS GO " jack yelled making me laugh. " ok Myles and Jake are riding with us babe " I said turning off my camera. " ok come on " he said. We got in the car and drove to McDonald's which had Starbucks right across the street. " alright boys go get all of us food and girls will go get the startbucks" I said. We walked to Starbucks got our drinks and went back to The car and saw the boys outside. " hey babe when we get to the stadium we have to take pictures cuz we match" I said to jack. " ok we will " he said.

That's what jacks wearing

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

That's what jacks wearing. We all got back in our cars and we started jamming out to music with jack still driving.

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