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" how did it go " jack asked when I sat down. " good she's only grounded for 2 weeks " I said. " ok " he said taking a bite of his burger. I looked at him and took a picture of him.


I'm so lucky

I posted it then jacks phone rang and he opened it and saw it. " babe ur so cute " he said. " aww u are too " I said. We all finished eating then went back to Logan's apartment.

Jack's pov

When Mia went and talked to the fans parents I felt something. Everytime we kiss it's not like other relationships I've been in. The last one I was in she cheated on me but that doesn't matter. We were back at Logan's apartment sitting on the couch watching tv. " jack " she said looking up at me. " yea " I said looking down at her. " I'm so lucky " she said. " why " I asked. " bc I have the best boyfriend and best friends that are like brothers to me " she said. " well I have the best girlfriend " I said making her smile. " hey umm I want to tell u something " she said. " yea " I asked. " can we go to my room " she asked. " yea of course " I said. I wonder what she needs to tell me. We got up from the couch and went to her room. I went and sat on her bed and she closed the door. " so what's up " I asked her. " so I want u to know everything about me since I know everything about u " she said. " ok " I said. " so a couple months ago I had this friend and her name was Alaina and she was my best friend my one and only friend. One day she went over to my house and I told her I had a huge crush on the most popular guy in school. Since she was really good friends with him she got him to come to the park with us and that's where we met. We started hanging out then he asked me out and I said yes. We went to this party together a couple months after we started dating and he wanted to have sex but I said no. He was so drunk that he told me the truth that dating me was a dare and Alaina gave him the dare. I loved him and I thought he loved me too but I was wrong. I have only told Daniel this story and I also told him that if this happened again I would be afraid to fall in love again " she said. " wow how could Someone be so low and do that " I said. When she told me this I felt real bad.

Mia's pov

" want to go to the mall " I asked. " uhh yea sure " he said snapping out of whatever he was thinking. We got up and walked into the living room. " hey guys we are going to the mall " I said. " ok well I'm going to the boys house " Logan said. " ok " I said. We left and jack drove to the mall. When we parked I stopped jack from getting out. " what's up babe " he asked looking at me. " So we just started dating yesterday and none of your fans know " I said. " yea so " he said. " do we hold hands Or not. Do we kiss in public or not. Do we Hug in public" I said. " oh umm we can't hold hands and if we kiss we have to be very secretive about it and friends hug so hugging is ok " he said. " ok " I said. We got out the car and walked into the mall. We shopped for about 2 hours then decided to eat at the food court. " so Logan said I should start a YouTube channel " I said. " yea u should " jack said. " I've been thinking about it but I don't know " I said. " why don't u know " he asked. " bc I still have one more year of school and then I have extra stuff. Plus I don't know if I want to do vlogging or weekly uploads " I said. " oh I understand " jack said. " Are u done eating " jack asked me. " yea " I said. " ok let's go to the vans store and then we can leave " he said grabbing my hand. " ok " I said pulling away my hand. " oh right sorry " he said. We got up and went to the vans store. After he bought his shoes we walked out and bumped into some of his fans. They asked if they could get a picture and he said yes of course. We went out to the car and I drove this time. " hey let's go to the store " I said. " for what " jack asked. " for snacks since descendents 2 I coming on tonight" I said. " oh that's right yea let's go " jack said. We went to the store and bought water,soda,chips,cookies, and popcorn. I drove back to the apartment. When we got there we got all the stuff and went to the apartment. " let me put on my pjs " I said. " Oh btw Logan said he's staying the night at my house " jack said. " oh ok he's leaving me alone tonight great " I said. " no I'm sleeping over " jack said. " ok good " I said. " yup so let's go put on our pjs " he said. We both went to my room and changed our clothes. " where do u want to watch the movie " I asked. " I don't care where ever " he said. " ok we can watch it in my room " I said. We went and got the snacks and went back in my room to watch the movie. We cuddled and watched the movie it was the best movie ever. " that movie was so good " jack said. " ik right " I said. " I'm tired let's go to sleep " I said. " ok come on " he said getting up to turn off the light. He got back into the bed and held me in his arms. " goodnight babe " jack said kissing my forehead. " goodnight baby " I said back kissing his lips. We then drifted off to sleep.

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