Oh, how much I know that. When your knees almost give up, and the other person magnetizes you so much, you forget in a minute, who you are, and who the other is. It is how love could feel like... No.

I've got frightened from my own thought. Oh, hell no. No.

'I guess, I'm in love.'

'What?!' I asked back, and came back from my head. Fräynn blushed terribly.

'You don't know, how difficult it was, telling this out loud, so don't ask me to repeat it.'

'Eh... But... I won't.' That was everything, I could say. God, have I heard him clearly? Somebody kill me!

'What do you think I should do now?' he looked at me questioning. I opened my mouth, without knowing what to say, but then glimpsed at my friend in the far.

Thank. You.

'Zella, over here!' I said, or more likely screamed. The captain jumped five feet high.

'Maybe next time' he said quickly, and left me there in a blink of an eye. The sigh I let out was the biggest, I could produce in a dress like this. When she arrived, I hugged her tightly. Surely, it wasn't something, the Elves of Mirkwood usually did aswell, because the only reaction I've got, was blinking.

'You can not imagine, how glad I am.' She lifted a brow, telling me, I was right, she could not.

'Actually, I am here to tell you, the prince wishes to speak with you' she tried to say without any air in her lungs.

'Oh, sorry' I let go of her. She smiled, and waved me to follow. Legolas was waiting at the armory. He walked toward me, with a bow in his hand. He gave it to me with some arrows, and nodded toward a doll, which was standing at the other end of the room.

'Yes?' I was holding the weapon miserably.

'Attack' he said simply.

'With this?' I saw, he counted to ten.

'You can not use it, right?' he asked gingerly, being afraid of the answer. I just shook my head. He grabbed an arrow, held my arm, the bow, and took it into the right position. The weapon showed right to the doll's face.

'Try it' he let go of me, and I did. The head of the arrow made a terrible noise, when it met a shield on the left. I lowered the weapon, but Legolas lifted my arm again, and gave another arrow. He nodded, and I shot again. It's head burst into the wood wall deeply, very far from the poor doll. Its surface moved, and the arrow landed on the floor.

'What the hell? It moved!'

'Of course, you shot it.' I looked at him in disbelief.

'Everything lives, Noira. Especially a tree, we are living in' he smiled. 'Everything's fine, warrior. I will teach you how to use this weapon, if you'd like to. But now... I guess, you have to stay here. We will go out to the woods for a checking, before the Sun goes down. I thought, you could join us, but not before you learn how the shoot. This land becomes more and more dangerous with every day.'

'I can save myself very well with my swords. I'd happily go' I said with shining eyes. I heard him sigh, while I was holding my breath. He nodded, finally.


The adrenaline was running in my veins faster, than ever. I run into my chamber, grabbed the mentioned weapons, and sprinted to the gates.

When I arrived, the prince and his mates had been there already. They wore comfortable, green clothes, while I was still wearing a dress. Legolas shook his head, but said nothing. I glimpsed Tauriel in the group, not so far from us. The elleth handed me a bridle.

'Do you know how to ride?' she asked me, and looked at Legolas. 'Or... there weren't horses in that land of yours?'

'Honestly, I preferred to ride my bird' I smiled at her, and with a nice move, I climbed onto the back of the beautiful creature. It was black, as the night. Noble, but proud. I needed to behave.

Only two horses came with us. One for the prince, and one for me. The sunshine painted the trees gold, but as we went deeper and deeper into the woods, soon, it went grey, and the air started to go cold. Cold, but not fresh. Somehow, in this part of the forest, the air was heavy. I tried to inhale it deeply, and took a look at Tauriel. She was beautiful, strong, and full of life. In her every move, every single step, she mixed elegance with strength. It wasn't hard to believe, the crown prince fell for her. So sad, that it was not requited. Why was that a big problem, that she was a Wood-Elf?

She turned left with another ellon, and two other guards turned right, leaving us alone. I cleared my throat, but chose to whisper, as turned to the prince.

'If I were you, I would do something. Say some compliment or... touch her hand, at least.'

'She would find it very rude, since I know, she doesn't feel the same' I took a questioning look at him, for why was that a big thing?

'In our culture, these things, that probably looks nothing to you, hold deep meanings. You can not tell nice things to somebody, who says, that doesn't love you back.' he laughed. 'Or you can not touch somebody's hand'.

'Well, an ellon once stroke my hand, so that's not true' I said, skipping the fact, that was his father.

'That ellon had to love you then, Noira' he stated, turning away from me, just in time, before I blushed. I just understood now-

'If you'd like to do the things, that humans do' he interrupted my thoughts 'follow the river and visit the city of Dale!'

He rode forward, leaving me and my burning cheeks behind. Suddenly, he raised his hand. 'Daro! (Stop!)' His voice was nearly a whisper, but I heard it crystal clear. He jumped off of his horse silently, and I did the same.

'Get ready' he said shortly, but my blades have been in my hands already. When he nodded, we stormed forward. The sharp noises, we've heard just a moment ago, came from too close, where strong nets covered the trees from head to toe.

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