Chapter 1 Inauguration

Start from the beginning

"Yes." Your muffled response was the first thing you've said since parting ways with (F/N) last night to try and get some sleep.

"Fine, but don't blame me if you can't find another job! Just turn off your stupid alarm." (F/N) let out a huff through their nose. Then promptly left the room closing the door behind themselves frustrated.

You lazily extended an arm out looking for your phone on the night stand. With the intention of shutting the alarm off. Slowly feeling around for the buzz, you finally grabbed ahold of it. The light of the Home Screen nearly blinded your half lidded eyes.

You're awake now, so much for sleep. Your eyes lazily skimmed over the alarm title across your screen.


Your frantic typing from when you had created this alarm was the equivalent of past you screaming at present you to wake your ass up. Your mind was still foggy trying to process everything as you rubbed your eyes with your free hand subconsciously pressing the snooze button on the alarm. Willingly allowing the timer to tick down for the next 10 minutes for a moment of silence. Just to get your mind back together from your sleepiness.


Your mind paused. The gears were beginning to turn. You pierced your lips squinting your eyes in thought.




Click! Suddenly everything came into view inside your mind and (F/N) words struck a cord finally. In a frenzy you fought with your blankets to get up. You can't believe you just tuned what (F/N) said out of your mind! You just didn't even pay attention only caring about wanting to sleep. Ah, the consequences of your actions.

Even if you had time, you were still in a rush racing to your closet and flinging it open. Not bothering to worry about the fear you had last night of the red eyes watching you. Your hand lunged inside urgently, ignoring the clothes neatly hanging up inside. Finally reaching what you were looking for.

Quickly grabbing one of your (shirts/dresses) you had in the not quite clean but not dirty pile inside the closet, you dashed out of your room. Leaving the door wide open on your way out towards the bathroom.

It was amusing to (F/N), who had been observing the whole display, to watch you run to the bathroom and realize you forgot something just to run back to your room then back to the bathroom. Over and over again until at last the door shut and you were finally getting dressed.

(F/N) smiled from where they were leaning against the archway that led to the kitchen. Both amused and relieved you finally realized you had an important job interview today. Though they didn't linger long, returning back to their computer that sat in the kitchen. 

You couldn't believe yourself. How could you just ignore everything in favor of sleep? Your eyes met their own reflection from within the mirror. Gazing deeply into the (E/C) orbs that were your eyes your mind wandered. Lost in a deep thought, mindlessly brushing your hair.

It's been so long. You haven't been to Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria since you were a kid. It's been so long since...



Not yet...

Your head whipped around the bathroom. Heart racing in the same anxiety you had last night. Hastily your eyes darted around every nook and cranny you could see in the bathroom. You could feel your heart thumping against your chest heavily. Causing labored breaths.

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