xxii. moonshine

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UNITY DAY WAS A DAY BORN OUT OF DEATH AND DESTRUCTION. While Pandora quite enjoyed the celebrations as a young child—she eventually learned that the holiday held a much darker past. It wasn't discussed much in history books, but when the twelve stations joined together, they blew up the thirteenth station to smithereens.

Yet what came out of that act of violence is what the rest of the human race carried with them 'till this very Unity Day. Hope. Hope that they would finally reach their far, long journey to the ground.

      For delinquents already on Earth, history seemed to repeat itself. Only for them to send a signal to the Ark and have a chance to survive, they ended up sacrificing the lives of 300 to the stars and burning up an entire grounder village to ash. Bloodshed is what brought them together, and this huge, dysfunctional family of almost a hundred didn't have their peace quite yet.

      They'd have to fight for it.

Teenagers gathered around a small television screen where the Unity Day celebration was being broadcasted for the people on the ground to see. Even if none of them would dare admit it, seeing the Ark displayed in front of them ignited homesick feelings. Pandora could still remember her parents bringing her along to go listen to the other children recite the history of the Ark. She always wanted to be one of the kids who got to hold up a nations flag, however only the sons and daughters of the privileged were given the opportunity.

"My friends, this is a historic Unity Day," Chancellor Jaha spoke, his voice staticky and occasionally difficult to hear through the broken speakers. "Every year, we mark the moment our ancestors of the twelve stations joined to form the Ark, but this is the last time we do so while aboard her. Next year...on the ground." Jaha smiled graciously to the crowd, welcoming the wild applause on the Ark, meanwhile on the ground, the delinquents stood unimpressed.

"Right, after we did all the work," Miller scoffed, looking over at the other delinquents with expectations that they'd agree with him, yet everyone stood still. "Someone shut him up."

"You shut up, Miller," Raven chided with her hands cradling her forearms, her almond eyes still focused on the Chancellors speech.  "No ones forcing you to watch." Telling him off brought a miniature grin to the Lovelace girl.

"For ninety-seven years, we have eked out an existence," Jaha continued. "Hoping that someday our descendants would return to Earth."

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