xvii. down the rabbit hole

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      PANDORA DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO expect as Clarke guided her and Raven into the forest. They seemed to be marching aimlessly through the lush undergrowth, but the blonde assured them that she knew exactly where they were headed. Pandora tilted her head to the sky, almost completely covered by trees except for the few scattered fragments of stars peeking through. Suddenly, they walked into a clearing, just in time for the sun to creep over the horizon, painting the sky with a stupendous amount of color. Raven was in awe as she watched her first sunrise, eyes glistening with ecstasy.

      Just as the girl thought that she had seen enough beauty in one day, a colorful plant captured her attention. "What kind of flower is this?" Raven asked, reaching out to touch the soft petals. It was a vibrant orange, similar to the warm colors spread across the sky, and contrasted against the green bushes that it blossomed out of. Even from Pandora's distance, she could smell the plants perfume—a sweet tang of nectar in the air.

      "A lilly, I believe" Pandora replied, basing her knowledge off of pictures she'd seen in books.

      Clarke noticed the delay in footsteps following her and spun around, distraught that the two of them were so engrossed in a flower. "Raven, I know you just got here yesterday, but we don't have time for this. Come on." She didn't desire to waste any more precious daylight and marched ahead.

      "She's bossy, I know," Pandora grinned.

      Raven tittered at her comment. "Hurry up and save the world," she scoffed, plucking the lilly as she spoke. "She's just like her mom." The two jogged to catch up with the Griffin girl.

      "I'm nothing like my mom," Clarke retorted.

      "Relax," the mechanic coaxed. "That's a compliment. Abby's a badass. The pod was her idea. It broke her heart not to be able to come down, but she never stopped believing you were alive."

      "Yeah, mother of the year," Clarke sputtered, not entirely convincing them that she was appreciated of the woman. Pandora wasn't certain why Clarke felt so negatively towards her mom, but she did know that her feelings had somehow changed which led her to take off her wristband.

      "Well, my mom was awol most of my life," Raven told her. "When she did show up, it was empty handed. Pretty sure she had me just to trade in my rations for moonshine."

      "Mine was pretty great, actually," Pandora began, happiness hovering inside her as she replayed the blissful memories in her head. "Told me bunch of stories and made me laugh. I bet she used to know your mom, Clarke. She was a doctor before she fell head over heels for my dad. He was a worker in Walden, so she decided to ditch her career and move to Factory Station to be with him. Forget Romeo and Juliet, my parents were real star-crossed lovers." Her gaze then fell to the floor, the brightness of her eyes dulling down. "But, you know, nothing really lasts forever."

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