chapter five

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1 hour later
chapter five


they fucking took her.

they took august. it all just happened so fast. one moment one of my arrows in one of the guys ass and the next, august is screaming my name for help.

just as i'm about to kick the guy who was left behinds ass, rick shows up.

"whoa! stop it!" rick yells.

"i'm gonna kick your balls right up your throat!" i yell.

rick tries to calm me down until i say, "they took august! this bastard and his little homie bastard friends!" rick looks at the boy. anger filling his eyes.

"get back to the lab! now!" rick yells. we all start running towards the lab.

the only on my mind, is august.


"where'd your men take her?" rick asks.

"i ain't tellin' you nothin'." the little bitch says.

"jesus man, what the hell happened back there?" t-dog asks me.

"i told you man, this little turd and his douche bag friends when they jumped me and took august."

"you're the one who jumped me, puto. scream in' about some brother, actin' like it's my damn fault he's missin'."

"they took august, they coulda taken merle too."

"what kinda hick name is merle? i wouldn't name my dog merle." i start to get angry, trying to attack him when rick and glenn stop me.

i sigh and head over to glenn's bag.

"wanna see what happened to the last guy who pissed me off?" i take the blue bandanna out of the bag and shove the bitch down to the ground.

i show him the hand and say, "i think i'll start with the feet this time." i smirk at him and he starts goin' bat shit crazy.

rick takes me off of him and says, "the men who took my sister, i just wanna talk to em', see if we can make a trade. alright?"

the guy nods.


"you got my brother in there?" i spat.

"nah. we fresh outta white boys. got a hot chick though, you interested?" my blood was boiling.

"you got mine, we got yours. fair trade?"

"my men get attacked and you want compensation? more important, where's my bag of guns?"


"yeah the ones miguel saw in the street. the ones he went back for."

"no, no. you misunderstood. what do you mean, your guns?"

"anyone came come 'round here and say there his guns. what's stoppin' me from havin' my men take yours out?" guns were clicking and i put my crossbow up.

"you might wanna rethink that." rick looks to t-dog and the man follows his eye.

he chuckles.

"nah. you might wanna rethink that." he points up to the roof and there august is, tape around her mouth. she's screaming for help and i can't help but feel guilty because i'm being so helpless.

"either you gimme me guns, or you come back locked and loaded." he says and walks back into the entrance they came out in.

rick exhaled deeply and we all meet back at the lab. once we're there, we talk about what we're gonna do.

"guns are worth gold in this day and age, should we really give that up? for august?" i knew what t-dog meant. he meant to say why don't we go locked and loaded, get august back, and keep the guns.

rick gave him a look.

"we don't even know if this g character is even telling the truth." glenn points out.

"callin' g a liar?" the guy in the white tank says.

"are you apart of this?" i smack his head. "do you wanna keep your teeth in?" t-dog gives me a look, but i don't care. i just want august back.

"so we givin' the guns to him?" glenn sighs sadly.

"i didn't say that." rick smirks. we all knew what that meant.


when we arrived back at gulliermo's place, they knew something was up.

"i see all my guns. but they're not all in the bag."

"that's cause they ain't yours." i said to him.

"i don't think you understood me."

"no we did." rick cut the ties off the guys hands and pushed him into his group.

"you have your man, now i want my sister. now." i've never seen a guy this angry before. it was hilarious.

"i'm gonna chop your girl, feed her to my dogs. they're the evilest, nastiest, sons of bitches you ever saw."

that's when an old lady came out.

"felipe, it's mr daniels, he needs his medicine."

"felipe, get your abuela outta here."

"come on abuela."

"no no. what do you want? felipe's been a good boy." she says, asking rick.

"he's not in trouble miss, he's... helping us with a missing persons case. her name is august."

"oh her?" she says. we all nod.

"follow me."

we follow her through a long stair case, then an outside field.

that's when i see her long brown hair. she was helping the man who needed his meds.

you could faintly hear her give him instructions on how to breathe.

once she gets him calmed down, she walks over to us.

"asthma attack." she answers all our questions.

"damn, we thought you were being chopped up!" t-dog yells. she looks over to the dog bed. there lays 3 chihuahuas.

"could i have a word with you?" rick asks G. he nods. i walk over to august and she gives me a hug.

"don't ever do that again." i say, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"what? get held hostage? i plan on it." she laughs and we both pull away.

"i'm serious. you had me worried shitless."

when rick comes back, they had an agreement.

next thing i know we're taking half the guns and heading home.


we had to run back to camp. someone, meaning merle, stole our van. we were all lightly jogging.

but that's when we heard it. the gunshots, the screams. i had run faster than ever before. i had to make sure carl was safe.

upon arrival all 5 of us started shooting, even myself. i started to go off to a different direction when daryl yelled, "nuh uh darlin', you stay by me." i nodded, as this was not the time to argue.

we all just kept shooting.

and shooting.

and shooting.

and soon, it was all over. and when it was, i broke down. people that we made connections with, people that helped us, were all gone.

daryl held me that night. tight and close. i cried all night and he was there to wipe the tears.


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