part 3

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My web reached the gun just as the gun shot out a deafening release of the bullet. Gwen jumped away, just flirting with death. The man yelped out from having his gun ripped from his hand, looking towards me with at first nervousness before it turned into determination.

"Peter?" Flash asked. The rest of the class looked at me in confusion.

"Ahh, Peter. I wondered why you were so keen to save the girls. Because you are spider man." He then started to slowly walk towards me, all harmful intentions towards Gwen disappeared. I gave him glare, which he flinched at. Usually I was more lighthearted at fights and more merciful, but this one was going to bring out my darker side. A side I was always too scared of to let show "And now... you shall die."

"What is it you have against me," I asked, walking so I was in front of  everyone else. I could see from the corner of my eye Mr Garrett staring at me in admiration as he tried to get the class to back away more towards the wall.

"Oh, nothing. I just wanted to be the one to kill you," he chuckled out, before swiftly diving to the ground and gabbing his gun. He rapidly aimed and shot, each of them missing. I shoot my web at his gun and once again I yanked it out of his hand, making it land somewhere behind the class in the rubble. I then ran forwards and engaged in hand to hand combat with one of his minions. I quickly delivered a throat jab and kick to the balls before knocking him out with swift blow to the head. He fell to the ground quickly. More began to advance, one shot a bullet which barely grazed my shoulder as I cried out - the class screamed.

"No! leave him. I want to kill him." He screamed out, insanity clearly evident in his voice. I looked behind me and saw all of the class. They were looking at me and pointing, fangirling that i was spider man before realising properly that I was spider man. Some looked concerned, and others stared at the person I'd knocked out in horror. All of his men backed away from me as he walked over to me, whipping a knife out. I watched as he flipped the knife, catching expertly, before swiftly advancing and jabbing at my shoulder. I quickly dodged, swinging my leg at his feet, but he jumped up and landed.

He bought the knife down towards my head, I put my arms in an 'X' shape, blocking the knife. He quickly pulled away and tried, swiping at my abdomen. He barely missed, the tip of the metal scratching the top centimetre of my skin. I grunted in pain and backed away to touch my hand to mu chest, the cut stung like crazy as I saw blood already beginning to slowly stream out. Leaping forwards, I threw a punch, successfully catching his nose. A loud and satisfying crack sounded echoing through the room. He howled in pain, before lunging forward and aiming at my shoulder. I sidestepped, bringing my hands down on his back hitting him away. I then grabbed his knife hand and twisting it, so the knife fell with a clatter on to the floor. He then immediately backed away and pulled a small device from his pocket, a button. My eyes widened as i realised what it was.

"No, don't push it," I shouted, stopping what I was doing and stood with arms out. He shook his head crazily, smiling widly as he laughed.

"Above me, there is a homemade device that will cut a nice big circle in roof, and fall down where your classmates are." He said. I heard cries of terrors and gasps behind me as I felt panic spread through me.

"You wouldn't," I said, not believing he would press the button. "Let's just talk about this." I rose my hands up, showing I surrendered.

"What is there to talk about. I simply want you dead. If it has to kill you classmates then so be it. You will die,"

And the everything happened at once.

I shot my web to the knife that lay near him, swinging it so it hit it him in his neck. I heard people scream out behind me as they realised I just killed someone. His finger slipped. I heard a whirring as I watched him drop dead to the ground. I immediately sprinted to the the corner of the room.

"Get out, get out now!" I screamed. But i was too late. The roof had been cut.

And it was going to crush them all.

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