part 1

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My heart thudded loud as another ball went straight for my head, narrowly missing me. I dived for the closest ball which lay right next to the fire escape rolling around. We were playing a game of dodge ball in the gym, my team against Flash's. So far I was winning. Half of his team was sat out on the bench, where as most of my team was still on. Ever since my gym teacher had noticed my talent at dodge ball, he'd always made me team captain against Flash. Skilfully I ducked as another ball came barrelling past like a bullet. Someone cursed loudly as they missed me from the other side of the sports hall. I smirked before grabbing the ball and swiftly hurled it at Flash, hitting him on the arm as he attempted and failed at dodging. He lifted his finger up at me as I grinned, before smiling. He'd become more friendly towards me ever since showing promising talent at dodge ball, he appreciated the good challenge.

Glancing towards Gwen, I watched on in joy as she gracefully twirled around a ball and immediately propelled one back, successfully hitting Jake square in the chest. She looked over at me and sent me a beautiful smile, making me melt. I smiled back, giving her a small wave.

I was about to grab another ball, but my spider senses went wild. Hairs stood up on the back of my neck, tingles were sent tumbling down my spine and shivers ran along my arms. Time seemed to slow down as I turned my head towards the wall closest to me, my eyes widening a little.

The wall came crumbling down as a loud deafening boom sounded throughout the school. I was thrown back, crashing into the wall behind me with a thud. Sliding down the wall I gave out a loud and pained yelp, pain radiating across the back of my head. I sat dazed for several seconds fighting to stay conscious, everything was muffled as a loud buzz resonated through my skull. I placed my hand on the back of  my neck and felt something sticky, only to see my hand coated in red when I bought it back. A gunshot brought me back to my senses.

Screams pierced across the room as I looked to see no-one with life threatening injuries, only a few scrapes and gashes.

"Stop! If anyone tries anything, I will shoot. And don't think I'm bluffing, because I will." I immediately looked over to the voice, to see a man with a gun. He wore aviators and a face mask, so we couldn't see who he was. He was tall, wearing completely all black clothes and he walked forwards slowly. More men were behind him, trailing in and roughly hoisting people off of the ground, shoving them over to the furthest wall from the wreckage. I quickly ran over to Flash, who was struggling to get some rubble off of his leg.

"Watch out," I said, as I lifted the rubble off with ease and threw it behind me. He sent me a small nod before standing up and limping towards Ellie, his current girlfriend who was shaking and crying in the corner with all the other students.

"Peter?" I heard someone say, I turned to see Gwen. Blood trickled slowly from her left ear, more down her arm from a nasty looking cut. "What're you gonna do."

"I have no clue. I can't do anything without revealing who i am." I said, frustration leaking into my voice. Wildly, I looked around the room an studied the scene. The men had guns and held them to random students heads, shaking them roughly by the shoulders. "We'll  just have to see how it turns out. If it gets too bad then.. I'll have to do something and deal with them all later." I said, hoping I wouldn't have to reveal myself - but the likelihood was high.

I felt someone roughly grab me and throw me over in the direction of the rest of the class. Gwen followed closely behind, gripping too my arm like it was her life force. I hugged her to me, standing at the front of the crowd of my classmates.

"What do you want," my gym teacher asked, standing protectively in front of us. Mr Garrett stood tall with a steely gaze as he followed the man in charge with his eyes.

"I want Spiderman."

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