The Rival Academy

Start from the beginning

"I remember everything properly now!" He swung his legs over the bed and sat down properly.

"Someone recovers quickly," Princess Peach giggled to Palutena. Palutena slowly took the towel off of her face, looking not amused whatsoever.

"I remember hearing sounds from outside my dormitory that night-" Suddenly, the door slammed open, interrupting Pit. Everyone turned around.

"LINK, YOU CAN'T JUST STORM IN LIKE THAT," Princess Zelda's panicked voice rang out. And incoming Link who looked furious. He turned straight to Pit, ignoring all the looks being thrown at him.


"I was just explaining!" Pit yelled back.

"ENOUGH," President Sakurai stood up. Silence fell amongst the group, "Link, I have a good mind to expel you from this investigation. You cannot go on a rampage like that; it's just unrealistic. It's getting over the top," President Sakurai said sternly. Link seemed to have calm down but his heavy breathing indicated that he may have calmed down only slightly, "please Pit, continue," He sat down.

"So, as I was saying," He shot a quick glare at Link and continued, "The sounds outside had subsided and I am a curious angel, if you hadn't figured out so, I left my room and flew out without getting caught."

"Remind me to up security," President Sakurai whispered to the nurse, who giggled lightly. Someone's popular...

"I sat there for ages and I looked around but nothing. I was about to give up when I heard shuffling. I looked down to find Lady Samus. She seemed like a woman on a mission. Only then did I look up and saw unfamiliar characters so I flew down and joined Lady Samus. She told me the whole story about how she needed to find her suit and that it was missing so we decided to join up and search for it. We noticed suspicious activity in the Home-Run field and-"

"Right Pit, stop there."

"But sir-"

"No, that's all the information we need. Right, nurse, please make sure that Pit is in the right shape because we may need him."

"Psh, may,' Lady Palutena chuckled, "A joke, Sakurai?" She asked, one eyebrow raised. He looked at her and winked. Pit's jaw dropped slightly. Sakurai cleared his throat to clear the awkwardness that had built up in the room.

"Right ahem, I must leav-"

"I know who may be behind this," Link suddenly spoke up. His head was low, his fists were clenched.

"Who do you think is behind this?" Sakurai asked, "WHO?" He almost screamed at him. Link wasn't moved.

"I believe it may," he looked at him with such seriousness, "our rival academy." He said, a gleam swirling in his pupils. Sakurai looked at him.

"We are on good terms with them and you know their president is such a disciplined person."

"You're saying it like you're not a disciplined person, Sakurai," Palutena giggled.

"You could help me then. You are, after all, the Goddess of Skyworld," Sakurai said. Pit almost gagged. Sakurai looked at Link again, "but seriously, where is your proof?"

"Proof? Mario is dead. Samus is kidnapped. They want something and they aren't gonna rest till they get it. Is it not obvious?!" Link almost shouted, "I'm going over there."

"Oh here we go," Pit mumbled, rolling his eyes.

"Wait Link," Zelda reached out for him but only missed him by an inch.

Long Live, Smash Warriors (Super Smash Bros. Fanfic AU) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now