"That's because I have to Grillby! I'm assigned to think and talk about her!

When he finished his sentence, Grillby's mouth curled into a slick smile and he teased, "I might think, you are starting to like her Sans."

Sans shoved his glass across the counter and stood from his seat in anger as snapped coldly, "I think I am done here. I have a job to do."

As he turned to walk away Grillby called after him, "Sans! Sans I was only kidding!"

Yet Sans wouldn't listen, and he once again ignored the tickling laughter that Chara continued to give.

Once outside the room, Sans headed briskly to the elevator, trying to forget Grillby's words.

He knew Grillby was wrong, and arguing would just waste more time.

Sans would just have to do what he normally did, and tell Frisk what's going on.

Even with the knowledge she wouldn't agree to join, Sans decided that getting it over with would be better than stressing about it for the rest of the day.

Besides, it would be dark soon, and he preferred to get it done now instead of later.

He couldn't afford Gaster scolding him for being lazy again.

On his way to Frisk's room, Sans runs into none other than Talia, who is holding something wrapped up like a small present.

'She does not give up does she,' Sans thought to himself as he picked up the pace, catching up to her.

"Heya," He said with a grin, "whatcha got there?"

His hand gestured to the present and Talia jumped at his voice, her eyes flicking to him sharply.

Once she relaxed, Talia sighed and said, "It's a gift from Toriel. A phone, I think, made by Gaster and Alphys in the lab."

Sans was shocked to hear that Toriel was already giving Frisk one of their special phones even though Frisk wasn't on the team yet.

Perhaps she expected Sans to have already told her.

Sans realized Toriel should probably stop expecting so much from him.

Opening his hand out to Talia, Sans claimed, "Well that's great. I'm headed to her right now so you can go ahead and.... hand it over."

Talia seemed slightly bothered and didn't place the small box in his hand.

Instead, she argued, "I can do it myself. I was already sent my Toriel."

Not willing to fight, Sans simply said, "Look over there," and pointed behind Talia. When she looked, he plucked the box from her hand and shoved it in his pocket, saying, "Thanks."


Hey!" Talia said, still processing what happened as Sans nonchalantly turned to continue his walk down the hall.

"Hey," he replied casually, giving her the tip of the hat before continuing.

Talia didn't give up, and although she was intimidated by him, she stated, "Give that back! I have to deliver it!."

Mafiatale - An Eye For An Eye (SansxFrisk)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें