Author's Note

42 5 12

A friend once told me that everything happens for a reason. I may not know why the things that happen to me happen, but I know that they happen for an unknown explanation. I don't know if it's fate. In fact, you could say that I don't know anything. However, there's something I can never doubt even if I tried.

Whatever happens— whatever suffocates me inside, whatever drowns me in sorrow, whatever throws me in despair— writing poetry will always be my lifesaver. Sometimes, I don't want to burden my friends with my troubles or throw my baggage on anyone's shoulders. As someone who feels too much for her own good, I tend to absorb the negativity of the people around me and call it my own. I most certainly wouldn't want to do that to anyone by rambling on about what makes me feel down. It has always been the better option, opening my phone and trying to type my incomprehensible thoughts into simple content that would mostly reflect my state of mind.

On a lighter note, I genuinely hope that you enjoyed reading every fragment as much as I enjoyed writing them. I cannot thank you enough for coming along this important journey with me as this is only the start of my works. Please feel free to share this poetry collection with your loved ones and use as references to your real-life situations as I did with my loved ones.

This is the first time I've ever done something and finished it. With a goofy grin. Of course, this doesn't mean I'll stop writing poetry. I guess I wanted to end this at Fragment - 98, an idea my cousin suggested, to aesthetically wrap things up since I was born in '98. I will be starting something similar to Fragments of the Heart that will also contain 98 parts very soon.

Until then, have a wondrous time.

Your dazzling poet,


Fragments of the HeartOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora