Times like these I wish I was closer to my sister-friend. Life is too short and people were checking out every day. The thought of planning a trip to visit with my family and another to visit Vette was weighing heavy on me. At that moment it felt like a weight was on my chest and I needed to make some decisions quickly.


The time had finally come to fly out of Texas for a bit. Arriving at the airport, I wasn't too surprised to see we were flying out on a private chartered plane. The Grayson's oozed superior power with a high taste bud for the finer things in life. Our house wasn't a shack or anything but their house was mega mansion. Not saying that it's anything wrong with having nice things but it was just the two of them. For such a huge house that was out of order, my personal opinion.

William made sure we were dressed nicely but comfortable enough to travel without complaints. There was no way I was wearing church attire for an entire flight to Florida. Even if it was for two hours and some change, I wanted to be relaxed during that time. It was bad enough I was stuck in close confines with the stuffy woman of the hour. 'Holier than thou' radiated off of Louise Grayson. Bishop Charles Grayson was easier to deal with than his wife. Although he walked around with an air of arrogance, he was easier to converse with.

Louise, on the otherhand, would quietly observe me without any quelms about it. The look on her face would almost resemble a mother reading the new girl her son would bring home. Every warning bell that could sound off in my person screamed she doesn't like you, trust you, and is waiting for the day to see you slip up. The only problem with that is, I have nothing to hide but by her act, a person could forget that small fact.

While the men had idle chat, busied myself reading a book on my iPad. Lady Louise finally tore her eyes away from studying me to reading a magazine. The stewardess working the flight was Godsend, being the needed distraction that allowed me time to busy myself doing anything but looking up. Currently the book that I am reading is not all of that but it was better than continuing with the fake interaction. 'This is going to be one long week.'

The plane finally landed in sunny Florida. From the little I saw as we left the plane to the waiting car on the tarmack, it was truly beautiful. We hadn't been to Florida since boarding the cruise ship for our honeymoon. Even then I didn't get to see much besides the port where the ship was leaving from. The drive there was a blur because my face was constantly smothered with William's. Just thinking about the endless positions they'd ended up in during that time brought a naughty smile to her face.

"What are you thinking about?" William startled me from my wayward thoughts. We'd arrived at the unbelievable beach house and showed to our room to freshen up. I don't even know how long I stood in the patio door looking out over the ocean. The feeling there was so serene. Plus my mind being in the gutter didn't really help much.

"Our honeymoon," I cooed turning to face him. My hands easily slid around his neck.

"Oh really, what about it?"

"Well," I was feeling a little naughty. Scratch that I was feeling extremely naughty.

"Whoa, what are you up to?" He tried to resist my hands as I unfastened his belt.

Pushing him back against the chaise near the window, I made quick work pulling him from his boxers. Dropping to my knees I took him into my mouth silencing anymore fight from him. Tensing up, he grabbed the sides of the chair from my assault. He was going to give me what I craved if it was the last thing he did before leaving this room.

"Megan, wait..."

"Shh, William just a quickie."

"They may hear us."

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