29- Great news

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"Guys I have some good news," Fleur declares.

"What is it?" Zaidan turns sits up and the towel he was using to cover his face falls onto the sand.

"Well... you know how I auditioned for that movie," she beams.

"Yes..." Carlo widens his eyes.

"They just called me. I got the main part," she squeals the last part.

"Oh my goodness that's amazing," Naya crawls onto Fleur's towel to give her a congratulatory hug.

"Fleur. That is incredible. I'm so proud of you," Zaidan hoists her up and spins her around, "I always knew you'd conquer your dreams."

"Baby," Carlo takes her hand as soon as she is placed back on her feet, "you are an inspiration to us all. To Yara especially. You kept saying there was better people than you. But Fleur, you got the main part. You only auditioned for the main character's best friend. Never doubt your skills."

"I think this calls for a celebration tonight. We can't just stay at a motel tonight we need a house, a big house," Darius declares, "I'm going to look up beach mansions for rent. I saw a few when we drove through town."

"We should get fireworks," Adley suggests.

"I'll look up where we can buy some," Penelope starts tapping on her phone.

"It might be a bit hard to find, since fireworks are only sold for New Years and Guy Fawkes. Even if we just buy those sparkler things," Zac looks down at Penelope's phone.

"Oh look, the party store opposite the supermarket is selling them. They're pretty pricey, due to fireworks being out of season. But that can be mine and Zac's contribution."

"Oh I know of a cool beach mansion that you can rent for a night. I also have the number. Daisy's boyfriend threw his 18th birthday party there," Trystan types in the number and holds his phone to his ear, "uh hello/ yes, I'm inquiring about renting for a night/ there are eleven of us. But we're very sensible/ yes we have spoken before/ my name is Trystan. How much is it?/ $250?/ We can do that. Is there a specific time we need to get there?/ Sounds good. Thank you very much/ See you," he finishes the call and smiles at us, "we can fetch the key from his house at anytime. So there is no rush."

"What's the time right now?" I ask.

"4 pm," Bo informs me.

"Wow it's still so sunny," Fleur observes.

"Long summer nights," Zac looks up at the sky.

"We could go for one last swim then we should do some groceries, pick up some fireworks, pick up the key then we're set. We can have a shower and get dressed up and party the night away," Zaidan smiles. Usually he doesn't bother with the whole dressing up thing. He just doesn't see the point. So he's clearly wanting to make this night special for his sister. I think that's really sweet.

We all jump up from our towels and jog down to the water. We've spent most of the day at the beach, we woke up at six to see the sunrise on the cliff then we drove an hour and a bit further down the road till we got here. It's been a really beautiful sunny day. I'm glad the rain passed.  Fleur dives under the water and starts singing a Little Mermaid song. The director is going to love working with this wonderful human being. She's easy going and loves making people happy.

"What's the movie about?" Penelope asks her.

"It's about a girl who kinda runs away. She wants to experience life outside her little town, she doesn't hate her life or anything. She just wants to explore. She tells her best friend where her second destination will be but that's the only hint she gives. It's about all the different people she meets and the weird wonders she experiences. There is no love story in it, which Carlo will be happy about. The girl strives to make at least five people smile a day. I guess I resonate with the girl. Maybe that's why I got the main part. She's a happy wanderer with a car and a tambourine," Fleur swirls her hands around in the water as she speaks.

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