I decide to just walk down to the center of the Westfield mall, happily eating my hashbrown. 

Don't worry I saved my sandwich for later. 

For about 3 hours I shop. I spend until I can't spend anymore. 

 But not really, again chill damn. I don't know why I felt this sudden boost to spend all my money on shit I don't need, especially for a day like this. 

Call me selfish I know, but I guess this is my day. 

An Ashlyn Neil day. 

 A time to get away, and think about myself for once. 

 I haven't truly had that since Kansas. 

 Being able to be carefree without so much, drama. 

I miss it. 

I miss being free ya know? 

 With Colby, Ellie, Sam. I don't know what it do anymore. 

 I like my rival.

My rival likes me. 

 But my rival has a girlfriend. 

 And that girlfriend is my best friend. 

 And my rivals best friend likes me. 

 But I don't feel the same way. 

 My rivals best friend knows I like my rival. 

 And yet after years, my rival and I are friends. 

 My life's a fucking roller-coaster right now.

 And I start school soon. 

I have no fucking clue how tomorrow is gonna plan out, right now I'm just going through my life.

 One day at a time. 

 It's so overwhelming, and I don't know how much more I can really take. I just don't know anymore. 


I finish all the shopping I can take, and head back to my car to put the bags in my trunk. Oh shit that's right! 

Ellie's sushi. 

 Okay then, time to go to Target. 

 I close my trunk and head back to the mall. I spot Target and start walking. 

Then my phone buzzes. 

E: hey bb could u maybe pick up some tampons too? unexpected emergency sryzzz 

I laugh to myself. Typical Ellie Parker. That's why I love her. 

A: ya ofcccc. da extra small onezz? 

E: yazzzz. tyyyyyy 

A: npppp see ya soon 

E: bye bitch 

 I put my phone away as I grab a basket. First stop, tampons. I make my way, you know what skip the details. 

 I grab what I need and head to the frozen aisle. I get waffles, chicken nuggets for Colby, dollar Mac and cheese, and El's sushi. 

I put the sushi in my basket, backing up. I feel myself trip and bump into someone. 

 "Oh goodness! I'm so sorry!" I hear someone stutter, as she helped me up. 

 I smile, "It's fine! I'm clumsy anyways." 

I look up and I see her eyes get wide. I get a good look at her and recognize her almost immediately. 

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