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"I'm sorry, what?" I blinked at Mrs

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"I'm sorry, what?" I blinked at Mrs. Powers and she gave me a bright smile.

It was Monday morning before school and I had to do an evaluation for my concussion and Mrs. Powers insisted I came to see her.

"Rose, you cannot take your exams with a concussion." She smiled at me as if my life was a joke.

Which right now it might be.

"Dr. Powers," I started but she shook her head no.

"No is no, Rose."

"I am valedictorian, if I don't take my final exams, I will not pass my classes." I told her and she gave me a sad smile.

"I'm sure your teachers can work something out with you. Maybe verbal exams?" She asked and I frowned at her.

Verbal exams?

I frowned at her and she grabbed her clip board before smiling back at me.

"Don't worry Rose, you are doing great. You're defined the most compliant patient I know. You should be you in no time." She comforted.

But not enough for me to take my exams.

"Moving on, let's talk about your panic attack."

I was really hoping she would have forgotten that.

"We don't have to," I muttered and she gave me an unamused look.

"Do you get those often?" She asked and I gave her a small nod.

"Usually they're not that long. I'm pretty good at walking myself out of them." I told her. But the way Liam was pestering me with questions, then snapping, demanding answers, I lost control.

"I'm really glad to hear that," she smiled before writing down on her clip board.

"What medications are you currently on?" She asked and I blinked at her.

"Uhh, none?" I shrugged and she frowned at me.

"Have you seen a doctor about this?" She asked and I nodded.

I always had a tendency of felling unexplainably nervous around people but around my preteen years, it had gotten worst. Dad took me to see a few doctors and after many many questions, I was diagnosed with social anxiety.

And that was the end of that.

"And they didn't give you medication?" Mrs. Powers frowned.

They never got the chance to. My dad had said that anxiety was just a fancy way of saying that I'm over dramatic. That it was another scam for pharmaceutical companies to make money. So, we had walked away and I haven't been to the doctors about my anxiety again.

Rose Thorne  ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now