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"I have finally graded your biology tests and I have to say that I am really happy to report that a great deal of you got really high notes

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"I have finally graded your biology tests and I have to say that I am really happy to report that a great deal of you got really high notes." Mrs. Knowles announced at the beginning of class and I stopped my conversation with Mia.

This is far more important.

Mrs. Knowles proceeded to pass out the test but I didn't care about my grade. What I cared about was the grade of a certain annoying brown hair, brown eyed boy.

She reached the back of the class and I turned to face Liam.

"What did you get?" Mia asked but I shushed her.

He received his test and I watched him closely as he flipped his paper over. His eyes widened, before his eyebrows raised in surprise.

What does that mean?

Feeling my gaze on him, he looked at me and I motion for him to tell me his grade. He held up a number three with his fingers and I frowned in confusion. He shaped his hand into a C and I threw my hands in the air.

"Yes!" I shouted.

A few students around gave me weird looks and I cleared my throat before bringing my hands down.

"Sorry." I muttered before looking back at Liam who had ann amused look on his face.

I gave him an excited smile before turning around in my seat.

"Hhm." Mia smiled and I frowned before flipping my test over to look at the red A+.

"What?" I asked and she raised an eyebrow at me.

"You just seemed really happy for Liam, for someone you claim to really dislike." She stated and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, because this means that maybe he's not as incompetent as I think he is. That doesn't mean that I like him anymore now." I told her. Liam is still a disrespectful little turd.

"Sure," She nodded and I scoffed at her.

Mrs. Knowles came back to the front and placed the test of the absent students on her desk before turning to face us.

"Some of you are really happy with your grades." She teased before glancing at me and I looked down, slightly embarrassed.

"Some of you, not so much." She continued.

"But you can do something about that." She smiled. "I am assigning a group project and it will be with your lab partners." She continued and I smiled at Mia.

We are great at group projects. We know how each other's brains work and everything always run smoothly.

"Remember that I switch some of you with different partners." Mrs. Knowles said and I gasped.

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