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Oh my God.

"Who threw that?" Mr. Sharon asked and I froze.

Liam's mouth was wide open in shock and I blinked.
Suddenly, there was a low chuckle in front of me and I turned my gaze from Mr. Sharon to a laughing Liam.

"Powers." Mr. Sharon growled and my eyes widened.

"I didn't do it." Liam defended with a laugh. Which clearly angered Mr. Sharon even more.

Oh, what have I done?

"Come with me." He glared at Liam and I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out.

Liam glanced at me, expecting me to come clean, or for any of the other students to say something but none of us said anything. He raised an eyebrow at me but I gave him a shrug.


I can't get in trouble.

"I'm sorry," I mouthed.

My dad would be disappointed.

See, my dad likes everything a certain way. He likes me home at a certain time. He likes to know where I am at all times. But most of all, he likes to know that I am acting in the manner that I should be acting and when I don't, things don't end well for... anyone.

Liam clenched his jaw before nodding and turning to walk out of the gym with Mr. Sharon.

But I can't let Liam take the fall.

Although this is kind of his fault, I can't let him take the fall for hitting the teacher in the ass. That's at least a detention.

"He didn't do it," I voiced and Mr. Sharon stopped talking.

"I threw the ball." I confessed and he looked at me in shock and confusion.

"It was an accident." I shrugged.

I looked over at Liam and he gave me a wide-eyed look before turning to face Mr. Sharon.

"I told her to do it," He blurted and my eyes widened.

What is he doing? He going to get me in real trouble.

Mr. Sharon looked at the two of us before looking at the rest of the class who were avoiding eye contact, before looking at the other teacher that came in the room earlier and looking back at us.

"Both of you come with me." He shook his head and I let out a little noise before following.

"Why did you do that?" I hissed at Liam as we walked to Mr. Sharon's office.

Rose Thorne  ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now