Chelsea's Smile [18]

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I stood in a darkened room, a single, large spotlight shining down on me from somewhere high above. The room creaked and groaned, sending shivers down my spine as I listened for a faint whistle, anything to tell me which area the attacks are going to come from. I couldn't see past my small circle of illumination, the area surrounding me pitch black and very nearly silent.

The whistle was soft like a breath, almost not even there, but I've learned to act quickly when I heard it. The whistle, sharp like a dog whistle came from four directions, in front, to the right, to the left, and behind me. I extended my arms quickly, expanding my bubble to the outer edges of my light circle at the last second I possibly could. I clenched my jaw in concentration as I managed to flip the knifes to the floor with a flick of my finger, shooting them into the floorboards, hilt deep.

Since I joined Lantic (the actual name of this community, also called a Guild apparently), I've been taught to hone my Influencer abilities, learning to control them and use them against enemies and attackers. It's almost been a year in Mundane time since I joined, and I'm finally nineteen in my time. I don't count my actual age since I don't remember any of it and it's easier to wrap my mind around things if I just stick to being the age I am in human years. But, since I've joined, I've really learned a lot about this new... way of life and how to actively take part in it without nearly killing myself. I actually feel at home for once in my life and it makes me really happy knowing I'm with people who understand.

There was a roar of clapping, erupting from the darkened area surrounding me as I gave a deep, sweeping bow. Sander rushed out, grinning and hugging my tightly, spinning me in a circle. We've been together for around a year now, and it's been so amazing and perfect. He had been teaching me how to survive in this new world, everyday working with me whether it was in a class room or in the back courtyard. He has really been patient with me during all this time.

"Babe! You did great!" He grinned, holding me at arm length., before yanking me back into a tight hug, rocking me gently.

"Kaitlynn Frostspec," A deep voice bellowed from somewhere above us. We both looked up, into the giant spotlight, my stomach suddenly twisted into knots of plenty. "You have passed the exam!" There were more claps and cheers from the darkness and the lights were turned on to reveal a large crowd around us. I screamed, nearly crying from happiness as I jumped on his, wrapping my legs around his hips and kissing him as he held me, hugging my waist tightly.

"You did it!" Sander laughed when we exited the exam chamber, picking me up and putting me on his shoulders as I laughed. "I knew you could!"

The exam was to test if I would be a good addition if Guilds ever went to war or anything from evil or opposing forces were to attack us from other lands, and seeing as I'm the only heir to the throne, it was a big deal for to pass this test. Every princess needs to pass if they don't want to be locked up in the palace, and every Lantic member takes it no matter what their skills maybe be.

I learned that there was more than just magic and trained killers in this Guild. There were resourceful tactician's, Brewers who created consumable items to help mend any wounds, Healers that had a knack for giving one instant health and so on. This all seems like the RPG games we played as children, but I a sure you, it is all very, very real indeed.

"We need to celebrate," Sarah said as she met us outside the chamber, looking perfect as always. "How about we go party!" She squealed at the though of going to Masters, the club down the block from here. We were always so busy, we rarely left the compound walls with almost no free time to ourselves.

"Agreed," Sander set me down on the ground, not removing his arm from my waist as I held his waist as well. I ran my other hand through my sweaty, blond curls after taking it out of it's ponytail and it now fell to my hips. Why I kept it long I don't know, I really should have cut it short with all the battle practices I've been doing. It wasn't safe having long hair that can easily be grabbed.

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