Chelsea's Smile [10]

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A/N: I apologize in advance, this will be another slow chapter, but it should pick up very soon :)



"Saraaahhhh!" I whined as she dragged me through the enormous building, to some unknown room. She had pulled me away from ogling at Sander in the middle of our lunch date- I guess it's not a date considering he didn't ask me and we just got hungry.  

"Kaaattiiieee!" She mocked me giggling, her steps quickening to almost a run. She smiled over at me, her eyes and smile the same color and shade as Sanders. They had the same blond hair and pale skin tone, the same sparkle in their eyes even though Sanders' was a bit dimmer, since their brother and his Mistress has destroyed his face and hope.

"What are we doing?" I whined again as she pulled me into a shop with dresses, and tux's, and suits, and heels and all sorts of dressy things. I shivered a little; Was she taking me dress shopping and making me try on shit?

"Tonight is the Keepers Ball, and you are going!" She grinned and dragged me over to a rack of dresses. "You need a dress and there isn't much to pick from," She wrinkled her nose at the outfits that sat in front of us and sighed. "So little time and so much to pick from," She began shuffling through hangers. "What size are you?" She turned her stormy eyes on me in curiosity and glanced up and down my thin frame. Before I could speak, she answered, "Size three, five for the chest," and turned her attention on the dresses.

"How did you know that?" I asked, surprised and curious about how she'd gotten my size right. She waved her hand and tapped her temple and smiled at me.

"I can see into the future remember?" She giggled and looked back at the clothing, eliminating everything besides a few. "Dark colors right?" When I nodded, she quickly snatched up three dresses and shoved them into my hands. "Here, try these on, and show me," She pushed me to a dressing room, shutting the velvet curtain and standing guard outside of it.

"Do I have to Sarah?" I called to her as I pulled off my black t-shirt; I had taken the cloak off ages ago and left it was Sander after his sister has pulled me away from him.

"Yes you do!" She called back in a sing song voice. I sighed loudly in irritation as I started pulling off the black cargo shorts. I stood in just my bra and underwear, as I looked at the dress in my hands. It was a shiny material under a piece of tool, giving it a fluffy appearance. I sighed and pulled it over my head, smoothing it against my body as much as possible. It showed most of my ugly scars on my arms and legs and I hated it.

The dress came to the middle of my thigh, and was strapless. There was a black bow, tying around the waist for decoration, but I tied it tight for fear of the whole thing falling off. The dress was a blood red color and puffed out  at my sides. I scrunched up my nose at it, hating it entirely. But either way I had to show Sarah.

I pulled back the curtain and she turned around and puckered her lips, walking in a circle around me slowly. She straightened my shoulders, making me stand taller and uncrossed my arms and tut tutted at me.

"It looks wonderful with your hair and eyes, but not with your skin tone. It's much too dark, and the make up you'd need would hide that beautiful face of yours!" She fussed over it, lifting a bit of the tool from my side. "I doubt it'll be comfortable with all this tool on it, and the shoes you'd need would be so ridiculous," She rolled her eyes, finishing the inspection. "Go and try another one, and hand this one to me to put back," I stepped back into the curtain, thankful she didn't mention my scars.

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