Chelsea's Smile [14]

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A/N: Sorry this'll be in Sander's point of view for a while since I'm dead for ideas for Katie .-.


Sander's Point of View

When I next awoke, I was in the cell still thankfully, I wasn't with Chelsa nor anywhere else. I was sore like nothing I've ever felt behind and I had a thrumming headache right behind my eyes. It worsened as my eyes grew accustomed to the dim light, focusing on the little dust particles drifting lazily in the stale air. I quickly became panicked as I noticed Katie's body wasn't lying next to me. I sat up on the cold hard floor, suddenly very alert and panicked.

I couldn't see anything in my panicked state, the dark room a quick blur before I noticed a glowing white from the corner, small enough to possibly be a medium sized animal, but with splashes of red. I tried to crawl over, but my legs were numb and pain was inching it's searing fingers up to my hips. Bright spots danced in front of my eyes, the pain so severe I could vomit. I glanced down and saw a large gash sliced into my flesh, but it wasn't bleeding and it the sealed.

"You're awake," The white spot from the corner spoke up, becoming larger. I couldn't see their face, only the white gown stained in blood and the blond, rust dabbled hair. It was could only be Katie and the sight of her stopped the pain, making my heart stop. She knelt next to me, reaching for my hand as I pushed myself up.

"Katie," I breathed as I pulled her close to me, my hands shaking. "Katie, my beautiful kitten," I buried my nose in her shoulder as she hugged me back.

"Hey, hey," She spoke gently pulling back and smiling. "You're okay Sander," She held my face as I pressed her hand to my skin, crying still. I reached up and touched her throat where she had slit it before, just hours earlier. "This?" She touched the small, pale scar that was almost unnoticeable unless you were looking for it. "Turns out my powers are stronger than I thought, just like you and Sarah said. How's that leg? Your brother decided to get cheeky, not realizing I was awake," She smiled kissing my nose.

"H-H-?" I couldn't complete my sentence, shocked beyond belief at her being alive, standing in front of me after I had watched her suicide. After I had watched the blood- all of that blood- race down her body. I was shocked and ecstatic at the same time, thanking god she was alive.

"How am I alive?" She smiled softly, pushing back my hair from my forehead as if I were the child in need of tending to. I nodded, swallowing hard, trying to be rid of the lump in my throat. "I don't know to be honest myself. Last thing I remember was my vision fading to black and being kind of, at peace." Her light eyebrows pulled together in confusion, her lips pursing. "But what I do know is, we need to get out of here," The look on her face and how she carried herself was odd, something I wasn't accustomed to seeing on her. At least not in the time I've known her, which I guess isn't long.

She ran a hand through her knotted, golden hair, getting caught a little as she grimaced, pacing the length of the cell. I tried to stand, but the pain was too great in my system to handle, blacking my vision for a quick moment.

"C-can we get in contact with Sarah?" I stuttered out, still in shock as she fixed her gunmetal eyes on mine, a sight I would never get used to without shivers of happiness. But there was a different light in them now, making for an odd sight. The light seemed to be emitting from inside, something older and much stronger than what I perceived her to be before this moment.

"That brilliant!" She grinned and hurried over sitting and shutting her eyes tight, focusing fixing her face into that adorable little scrunch up she does.

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