Chelsea's Smile [12]

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I was descending a giant staircase, closely following Sarah when the little voice's in my mind piped up. At first, it was just a dull ringing, and then eventually, they grew to a roar.

"Why are you even going to this?" "Everyone is going to hate you after tonight!" "You'll be betraying Sander and Sarah," at this one I gritted my teeth and fought back with, "I'm doing this to protect them." They were all shouting so loud, my head was starting to hurt.

I should explain what is happening- as of earlier today, my little breakdown with Sander as I was fixing his tie, I gained a new ability. Sarah explained new abilities for Influencers was quite common, especially when she or he is in love. This new ability allowed me to connect into others minds at will, almost like a mind reader. But as it seems, Thompson had the ability as well, and he tapped into my mind, just as I was exploring it.

He explained that the only way to keep the people of this community safe, was for me to return to him. It was the only way to keep Sander and Sarah safe from they're brother. It was a choice I made almost instantly, and it wasn't made because I wanted to return to that disgusting, horrendous cell, it was because I needed to protect those I loved. So with a heavy heart, I decided to join them there, taking their word.

"Why are you so quiet Katie?" Sarah asked as we approached the wrought iron doors leading to the beautiful ballroom. "Something wrong?" Sarah's platinum blond hair was sitting it delicate ringlets, complimenting her beautiful face.

"Nothing's wrong," I offered a painful smile, something now natural from all the years of pretending. "Just, exploring my new ability," She smiled back, her eyes lighting up as we walked through the enormous doors, into the swirling and dancing masses. There was gentle music playing which everyone was dancing to, but no one or nothing seemed to be emitting the gentle melodies. Men and women were dancing, swirling. Laughter rang clear along with all the chatter. Children ducked and ran between the parents and friends, and everyone, giggling and grinning. The room just glowed with happiness.

I continued to follow Sarah until she led me to the center if the room where Sander and a young couple about our age stood. They were laughing and talking, the girl wrapping her arm through the guys arm. They were an odd couple, the girl looked bubbly and childish and the boy looked deadly, and scary.

I met Sander's eyes which lit up brighter than the sun as he grin and gestured Sarah and I over. My stomach tied itself in knots with fear.

"Katie, this is Vanessa and her brother Jacib," Sander said holding my waist. "Two of my oldest friends," he gave Vanessa a gentle look, a glow there I knew too well as jealousy took anchor in my stomach that burned like fire. "Vanessa, Jacib, this is Katie, my love," I forced a smile as he kissed my head.

"Nice to meet you!" Vanessa grinned to me brightly. "Welcome to the community!" She released her brother and stepped over to me, her green dress sweeping the floor. She swept me into her arms, going me a tight hug which made me squirm.

"Thanks, nice to meet you as well," I said softly, pushing back my burning jealousy. She released me, still beaming that bright smile and turned to her brother.

"Let's leave them be brother dear," She tweaked his nose and hastily walked away. I quickly turned to Sander, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Who was that?" I asked, trying not to let the fiery jealousy that raged on in my stomach show.

"An old friend Katie, really," He smiled and took my hand. I dropped the subject for now as he lees me away to the dance floor. As the jealousy died down, nervous butterflies replaced it. "Hey Katie."

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