Chelsea's Smile [16]

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Katie's Point of View

I spent four weeks in the hospital section of the compound, more internal wounds than external. I was also questioned about how I survived as long as I did, how I had brought myself back to life and so forth. I honestly didn't know how I had awoken after I had suicided. All I had wanted was to end the pain and torture that I had undergone, I just wanted final, and eternal peace. But through all the weeks, and the questioning, Sander never left my side once, always there, even through the night. Some times I woke up and he would be curled up in the chair next to me, looking a bit like a child, sound asleep.

When I was finally released, I was greeted by at least twenty people, since very few people were allowed to see me. I can't tell you who half of them were, I only knew very few who were waiting for me. I saw Sarah, her hair in curls, wearing high heels, shorts and a tank top with a leather jacket. She was grinning at me, patiently waiting for the crowd to go away before she spoke to me. Then I saw my mother, smiling with her hands clasped in front of her, wearing the green robes still. I noticed how young she looked even though I had been told she was hundreds of years old.

 I followed close to Sander as he guided me past people, towards Sarah and mom, clinging to his arm as I stumbled in my ratty sneakers. My legs were still really weak and wobbly from the lack of use in the time I was asleep and in the infirmary. I had apparently been sleep for three weeks prior to my waking up, so in all, I had been in the infirmary for nearly two months.

"Glad you see you're awake kiddo!" Sarah grinned, as she hugged me tight. I wrapped my arms around her waist, seeing as I was terribly short compared to her.

"I am to," I smiled at her as we pulled away. Mom was standing next to her, Elvy and Kheelan on either side as she came forward, hugging me as well. Her hug was more motherly than Sarah's, as she petted my hair softly, and kissed the top of my head.

"How are you feeling?" Her gentle, silky voice asked me, her lily pad eyes bright and warm. I only came up to her shoulders, and she was even bare foot. Damn I was short.

"I'm okay I guess, still kind of tired from everything," I shrugged it off, as if it was no big deal. But truth is, it all bothered me so much, it sent crawling shivers down my spine, and my stomach clenched in sudden fear.

"I would assume," She smiled, still smoothing my hair back and tucking it behind my ear. Her smile was like warm honey, smooth, inviting, and oh so loving. I was glad to have my mother, my real mother now that I had accepted the fact that the memory of parents I had was fake, and everything was slowly becoming okay. "Come along, I wish to speak with all of you," She beamed to Sander and Sarah. The three of us glanced at each other and followed after her, seeing as she had moved several feet before any of us registered it.

Sander intertwined our fingers, gently wrapping his arm around my shoulders so my arm crossed my chest. I grinned adoringly up at him both gently kissing his nose. My heart was swelling for so much love for him, that I wasn't sure I could contain it much longer.

Our small trio stopped short of mother, as she had led us to the back garden where I had met Chelsa for the first time. My mouth twisted into bitterness at the memory, wishing I could forget every moment of it.

"What do you need to talk to us about Lady Tatiana?" Sarah asked as mom turned to face us. I noticed her guards hadn't followed us out here but where standing at attention by the doorway we had entered through.

"I came to thank you, for protecting my daughter when I couldn't," She clasped her hands, the warm smile not leaving her face. "I understand, as Queen of our small, dying kingdom, I should have kept her close," The warm look left to a soft, saddened look. It was the look, if you saw it, your heart would melt and you'd instantly throw your arms around her. "But, I couldn't have you, Katie, growing up in our world, a dark, dirty place. The mundane plane you were brought up in, as bad as it seemed was not even close to what you would have experienced if you grew up as true princess of our realm.

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