|ChApTeR TwEnTy SiX| Refuge

Start from the beginning

I glanced at Italy. "I-I guess you're right. Okay." I turned my head back to the Oni and watched as the three finished it off with ease. 

"W-We defeated it...?"

"As expected you guys!" America cheered estatically, his gaze falling onto the unconscious England lying on the ground. "...Oh, we have to heal England."

"Is he alright? I don't really know what he did, but it looked like he used a lot of energy."

"He's fine!" America answered. "He just needs to sleep a little and he'll wake up in no time! I just wish we could get him somewhere better to sleep..."

"That's a more pressing matter." China said.

"......I see. I'll show you the way." Germany suddenly spoke, heading toward the door.

"What?" Japan took the word right out of my mouth.

"I've experimented it several times, so I think it's alright. Japan, remember that thick door on the second floor?"

'He's talking about that iron door. The one he kept going into when Japan and I first found him.'

"What? Oh...Yes, I remember."

"Let's go there....Finally, I'm going to be of some use, too."

"Understood...Let's go." Japan nodded.

"Um, listen!" Italy piped up.

However, he was drowned out by Germany, "Quickly. We may have defeated it for now, but it's very likely that it'll come back again."

"...Yeah. But...America. Thank...you..." 

"...I think you should practice your smile a little more. You can't say that with that face."

Deadly silence filled the room.

Maniacal laughter suddenly hit my eardrums. A loud voice cried out in my head, 'CONGRATULATIONS.' I winced and clamped a hand over my ear. 

"Shut up!!!" Prussia shouted, shutting his eyes and gripping his ears. 


"Whoa! What's the matter?" Russia inquired.

"Oh..." Prussia slowly took his hands off his ears and looked around, puzzled. "S-Sorry...Er, did you just hear..."

"Did something happen?" Japan asked, concerned.

"N-No, it's nothing." Prussia hesitated. "Really, I'm sorry........."

I looked at him curiously, wondering what the heck just happened...



"Who's stepping on my foot?!"

"So...who's on top of me~?"

"Hey, that's my hair!! So, isn't it a little narrow here? And dark?"

Once we entered the iron door, we were immediately cramped and discomfort swept the large group. 

"Oh, sorry. There was a switch, but...Wait just a minute. I'm sure it was...around here...(Name), I think it's somewhere near you." Germany's voice spoke within the dark. 

"Really? Okay, give me a second." I carefully wove my way through the group, my elbow hitting a wall. I ran my hand along the wall, patting it down until I felt...a different...surface?

"Ooh, I didn't know you wanted me that badly, frau~"



The Guide to the Protector (A HetaOni, 2ptalia and Female Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now