
"I'm going the same way as you. Plus Alena told me to watch you."

"Are you her sister or something?"

"Half sister."

"Well you can leave and tell her I don't need or want a babysitter." I yelled."

I went out the door and stormed to my next class. "Wait wait I'm sorry Zach. My sister just worries about you...."

"Well tell her I don't need her worrying since we aren't dating." I snapped.

I turned and bumped into someone. Venus was on the floor with her books dropped I saw her bandana was on the ground. Her nose was bleeding as she picked up her multiple tissues. "Could you watch it?" She hissed not looking up. She took a breath and sacrificed covering her nose to pick up the tissues.

I helped her up. "Sorry."

"It's fine." She gave me a half smile and walked away quickly.

"Do you like her?" Jonelle asked. I looked at Venus practically run off. I feel bad for hitting her. Castello might pay her a visit. Maybe.

"Venus!" I yelled pacing after her. She turned and raised an eyebrow.

"What are you doing later tonight."

"Helping out some kid in my class with her studies. Though I doubt she needs it. She might just want to hang out." Venus laughed softly.

"Well text me when you get there." I winked. I gave her my number and managed to walk her to class without making eye contact.

She waved going to her class. "Venus. I'm...."

She can't know its me. "I'll beat up the person who did this to you." I joked.

"They didn't mean it. At least I hope they didn't."

Why am I doubting she's a villain.


I came home and found Jonelle sitting on the couch. "Ready to start?" She smiled.

"The girls are sleeping over." My dad sighed popping 2 aspirins. Only we know the pain of Astrid's friends over. Screaming and yelling all through the night. I grabbed Jonelle and put her outside and closed the door. "Zach what the hell?" Dad asked going for the door.

I stopped him. "Alena has been harassing me and is now sending her sister. I'm sick of it."

Astrid came out dragging Venus. Venus looked at me in suprise. "What are you-"

"That's my older brother Zachary. He's cute right? So am I." She stood next to me and smiled.

"Yes. You both are very cute."

"They get it from me" My dad said opening the front door

Venus laughed. I don't know if it's pity and guilt but she looked cute when she laughed. "Her laugh is pretty hot too" I muttered.

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