Chapter 13 - Curiosity Killed the Cat

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-Lance's P.O.V.-

"L-like I said before, I didn't do anything" I watched as Coran's expression turned more serious and I knew I had been caught.

"Lance, I can tell that you are hiding something. I won't tell Keith." He spoke.

"IkissedthesideofKeith'sface!" I yelled too fast for Coran to understand. His puzzled look was very evident. "I kissed Keith. On the side of his face though!" I repeated my face heating up. Coran stayed silent, making things awkward.

"I won't tell Keith. I have no idea how that reversed the poison's effects but I'll take your word for it." I nodded and left. I looked down at my hand, the tingling from the plant is still there. I remember telling Keith that I only felt slight tingling, and I was sure it would go away. It's more intense then before. I just hope the problem fixes itself.

-Pidge's P.O.V.-

"I can't take it anymore! I know curiosity killed the cat but i'm too curious to care!" I yelled startling Shiro, who was next to me, and I touched the plant... nothing.... Nothing?! "Nothing is happening. It feels like a normal plant."

"Thanks for the heart attack. Maybe you just didn't touch the right plant? That doesn't mean you should go around touching every plant there is though." Shiro said. Me being me made a very important realization. Lance is an idiot. He probably touched the plant too, for stupid reasons of course. If nothing happened to him... then that proves that the plant might be harmless to us! I ran back to the castle, Shiro following close behind.

-Allura's P.O.V.-

Hunk and I entered the castle with no luck, we didn't see the escape pods anywhere.

"Princess, a new coordinate just appereared!" I heard Coran yell. "It just appeared! What should we do?"

"Is that coordinate closer than Earth?" I continued after Coran nodded. "Then we'll go after Pidge, Shiro, Lance, and Keith come back. That is if they didn't find anything."

"Keith and Lance already came back, they didn't find anything." Coran added. I nodded and a sudden beeping noise appeared. "Wait, Princess another 4 coordinates appeared. Should we just send a paladin to each coordinate to search?" I thought for a few seconds before nodding my head, this would be faster then just searching one at a time. Seconds later Pidge came bursting through the door, Shiro behind her. Coran explained what we were doing next after they informed us that they found nothing.

"Shiro and I can tell Lance and Keith what we are doing!" Pidge shouted and ran in a direction.

-Lance's P.O.V-

I was walking in random directions when I was suddenly grabbed by the wrist and being dragged towards Keith's room. The next thing I knew I was sitting next to Keith and Shiro was leaning against the wall as Pidge began talking. She informed us of the new coordinates and then she became serious.

"Lance did you touch the plant?"

"Yes, can I go now?" I asked.

"Did anything happen when you touched it?"

"Just a tingling feeling" I answered, realizing that feeling was still there, less noticeable this time.

"So you felt something different than me?" She gasped.

"I wish I died when I touched it." Keith added.

"You touched it too?" Pidge asked.

"Accidently. It hurt like hell." Keith scoffed.

"So it was different for all of us? Why?" Pidge questioned.

"I don't know, I'll just take Blue and go to whatever coordinate I'm given. Bye, guys." I said and left. They ended up following me.

We were all given a coordinate that we could easily have our lions take us too. "Remember to be back here in an hour and if anything goes wrong call us immediately." Coran informed. The moment Coran stopped talking we all ran to our lions and added the coordinates to there system. I landed my lion in a safe spot where no one would notice it.

"I wonder if there are any hot girls here" I asked myself and began searching. If the escape pods were here they'd be around the coordinates. Out of no where I was grabbed and a hand covered my mouth and nose. I couldn't breath.

"We finally found you~ Altean prince!" The voice said and I blacked out.

I feel like this chapter sucked, I hope there wasn't many spelling mistakes. Sorry for taking forever to update ;-; I'm writing the next chapter right now so hopefully I will publish it later today or tomorrow! Sorry if this chapter also felt rushed, cause it kind of was, but the next chapter should be slower paced.

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