Chapter 1 - Part 1

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 I'm just going to warn you now this might not make sence since I lost my train of thought so many times
       Many years have passed since the escape pods crashed down to earth. And many more continued to pass. Till one day someone accidentally stumbled upon one of them, fortunately it was the escape pod with Lance, Pidge, and Hunk. Unfortunately, when the escape pod opened, the other escape pod also opened. The stranger looked at the children, watching them, wondering how long they had been there. Were they dead? The stranger thought. Their thoughts were soon answered when one of the children opened their eyes.

     "Hm?" The boy looked around and saw the stranger giving them a questioning look.

That all happened a few years ago, the children are now in their late teens. They were told they had amnesia and all they could remember was there name. Even though they didn't remember most of their childhood, they still focused on the future, well, all except Pidge. She was determined to find out who her real family was. Lance was more interested in flirting with every girl he saw then his old family. The three all decided to enroll into the Galaxy Garrison. Lance was trying to become a fighter pilot but he ending up becoming a cargo pilot, thanks to his rival keith. Or at least that was the case, once keith was kicked out for his "discipline issues" Lance became the new fighter pilot, but it's not how he wanted to get it. Hunk became the team engineer. Pidge became really quiet after Shiro disappeared. Those two became really close friends mostly because Shiro was teammates with her brother Matt. Matt's family took her in shortly after she was found with Lance and Hunk. Today the three had a simulation test, where they failed.

Every one was sent to the places that they were assigned to sleep in, but Lance snuck out and forced Hunk to follow.

Lance's P.O.V
    I was stealthily walking down the hall with Hunk following right behind me. We began following pidge after we saw her leave her room, making sure she didn't notice us. We found her up on the roof looking at some technology. So I snuck up behind her and took off one side of her headphones.

    "Hey, you come here to rock out?" I joked as she jumped in fright.

    "AH! Lance? Uh, no I'm just looking at the stars" she answered.

     "Where'd you get this stuff? It doesn't look like Garrison tech" I asked.

     "I built it" she answered.

     "You built all this?" Hunk questioned. As he reached to touch the electronics. Pidge smacked his hand to get him to stop.

     "Ah, stop it" pidge continued, "with this thing I can scan all the way to the edge of the solar system"

     "That right? Even all the way to Shiro's location?" I asked and her eyes saddened and I realized I had said something I shouldn't have, "What's it for then?"

     "Remember how I said that I felt like we don't belong here, like not on this planet. Well this equipment has been picking up alien radio chatter" she began.

      "Woah, what? Aliens?" Hunk interrupted.

      "OK so you're insane, got it." I said.

      "I'm serious, they keep repeating one word, Voltron. And I swear I've heard it before. In my past. But it was told to me as a story. It can't be a coincidence that the aliens are mentioning something I've heard about." Pidge was saying but was cut off by the sounds of alarms. Hunk was the first to notice the meteor, no, the space ship as we watched it fall. Pidge was the first to run after it and I just followed and told Hunk to follow too. We were on a cliff and we were looking down and watching from afar, when pidge told us a camera had been set up and we could see from inside. We watched the screen as it showed a person, wait, that person was Shiro! He was yelling something about how the 'aliens' were trying to do something to him. Something about regaining his lost memories. And something about Voltron.

     "We gotta get him out of there" pidge murmured.

     "Uh, and how are we going to do that? Weren't we just watching on the screen cause there was no way past the guards?!" Hunk mentioned.

     "Do you think we could tunnel our way in?" I ignored Hunk.

     "Or we could get some hazmat suits and sneak our way in." Pidge said.

      "Or we can go back to Garrison and get a snack before we pretend this all never happened." Hunk said.

      "No, what we need is a distraction." I said right as a bunch of explosions began and Hunk started freaking out about the aliens.

      "No, those explosions were a distraction, for him" pidge said to hunk as she pointed in a direction. I looked in the direction realizing exactly who it was. Keith. I quickly chased after him as pidge and hunk followed. By the time we caught up, keith already had Shiro proper up over his shoulder and I walked over to help. We ended up arguing and I was saddened by the fact that keith didn't remember who I was.

-time skip brought to you by someone who is to lazy to type-  (this is when they already found the blue lion and are landing at the castle)

   The blue lion let us down in front of some huge castle. And we all stepped out.
Actually I'll just leave it there, sorry but this chapter was mostly to show exactly where it's all taking place, the next chapters won't follow the show so this will be the only time...ish. I will edit and correct the story later.



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