Chapter 11 - The Smaller Planet

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IMPORTANT NOTICE: This story will now also be posted on Archive Of Our Own, eventually. You dont have to also read it on that, i just wanted to say so that no one thought that someone stole my story or something lol. My account is under the username Vulpokemon (Just like this one). Anyways on with the chapter!
~a few hours later~

-Allura's P.O.V-
"Coran," I began. "How's it going with tracking the coordinates?"

"Well, there are only three coordinates that are in the database that were possibly used." Coran said. I gave him a look to say that I would like more information and he nodded. "So basically, one of the planets that the coordinates go to is well... destroyed, by the Galra." My eyes widened. "But since the Galra are still searching we can assume that your son and others are still alive." I nodded understanding that there was still hope with the other two possible planets.

"And the other two?" I said pushing Coran to continue.

"One of the coordinates lead to earth, where the new paladins came from. And the last is a smaller planet that Altean used to visit. The only thing is that there is a toxic plants that grows that can put anyone into a deep sleep. The plants doesn't affect us alteans tho! But the paladins on the other hand...anyways I'd assume they are on the smaller planet cause of this plants but I'm not sure."

"Plug in the coordinates for the smaller planet, we'll start searching there. If we do not find the escape pods in the general area we will leave and try looking on earth. I'll go inform the other paladins." I said and walked off looking for every one. I wanted to also warn everyone about the plants once we get there.

-Keith's P.O.V-
We exited the castle onto the 'unnamed' planet. And Allura began speaking, "Listen, we are looking for escape pods that could have landed anywhere near here. I also recommend that you don't touch any plants that grow here. They poison anyone who is not Altean. If someone were to touch it they'll fall into a deep sleep and the only way to undo the effects is if someone with Altean blood were to kiss the wound. The saliva cancels out the poison. I guess the best thing about the plant is that it causes Galra them unbearable pain leading them to fall unconscious from the constant pain." After Allura said that I glanced over at Lance as he was reaching over to touch a plant. I quickly smacked his hand away.


"Keith, I think he heard her just fine, especially the kiss part." Pidge stated. I glared at Lance.

"Remember Lance, I exist, and last time I checked I was Altean." Coran added as he stroked his mustache with a smirk. Lance immediately moved away from the plants.

Allura continued, "And this is why I am putting us in groups. We will all split up into 6 groups and search. I will list who's with who now. Pidge with Shiro. Keith with Lance." I swear I heard someone say bad idea, "And hunk will search with me. Coran will stay behind and watch the castle. Does everyone understand?" We all nodded.

"Good, now everyone, start searching!" Coran yelled with excitement.

Lance and I went right, Shiro and Pidge went left, and Allura and Hunk just went forwards. We looked around searching for the escape pods that Allura was talking about and making sure I didn't touch the plant. I'd glance at Lance sometimes to make sure he wasn't stupidly trying to touch the plant. He was also searching I guess I was overreacting, Lance isn't that stupid. Just as I thought that Lance reached out and touched the plant. THAT IDIOT. "LANCE!" I yelled and he jumped at my sudden loudness.

"Didn't Allura say this is supposed to put people to sleep?" Lance asked and I nodded remembering Allura's words. "Stange. I feel a slight tingling feeling but honestly that's all."

"Weird." I mumbled and I guess lance heard cause he said I know right afterwards.

"Hey Keith you try touching it!" Lance said.

"No, I'll pass. I'd rather not." I said being highly cautious. Lance just giggled and mumbled something that I couldn't hear. We continued searching the area. After awhile we heard a rustling in some bushes, instinctively I stepped in front of him and held my arm out in a way to keep him safe. I was ready for whatever it was, or at least that's what I thought. Suddenly the thing jumped and hit me right in the chest. I stumbled backwards and fell right into the plants that were behind us. I let out an earpircing scream from the pain that was running throughout my spine. The creature quickly ran away. I clenched my teeth from the intense pain, it was a burning feeling that stung at the same time. It also felt as if my back fell asleep cause there was a painful tingling feeling too. How the heck could Lance touch this stuff and be fine! I shut my eyes tightly and I felt tears building up in my eyes, But I refuse to cry. I felt someone picking me up out of the plants that I feel on, I could hear them repeatedly calling for help. I felt the pain spreading more and more and I knew I wouldn't be able to not scream anymore. My only questions are why is this happening? Didn't Allura say it just puts people to sleep? I felt my eyes roll back into my eyes as I fell unconscious.

FORGIVE ME FOR ANY SPELLING MISTAKES CAUSE IM STUPID AND I WAS RUSHED ;^; I hope I managed to make this chapter longer then my usual ones I wanted to make it longer cause I made you guys wait so long and I apologize. I would have updated this like 3 days ago but I was babysitting my little brother so I couldn't finish the chapter, but it's up now. Yay! Sorry for any mistakes my phone updated and now autocorrect is worse! It keeps autocorrecting Allura, Coran, Shiro, Pidge, and so much more. ;^;

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