Chapter 2 - DNA

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Sometimes finding pictures for a chapter is really hard to do ;-;
-Pidge's P.O.V-
     Most of today we spent figuring out how to form voltron. But when we weren't we were doing our own things. I was mostly trying to figure out away to get our memories back, but now mostly for Allura. She needed it if she wanted to remember her own son's name. As I was working Lance walked in yelling about how he was bored.

     "Why don't you just do something important, like locating a general location, from the coordinates, on where Allura's son might be. Or, you could always just bug Keith." I said trying to stay focused on the task at hand.

     "You know, Pidge, Shiro says your working to hard. He says you are stressing yourself out to much. He also said that stress doesn't make a girl attractive." Lance smirked.

      "I know what you are trying to do, Lance. It's not going to work. And I don't like Shiro so why would I care if he finds me attractive or not." I sighed. He gave me this look, that I-know-you-do-care-what-he-thinks look.

      "Fine, I'll bother Keith." He shrugged and walked off. But his words still lingered. What if Shiro didn't find me attractive. What if when I finally get the courage to tell him he'll reject me. What if he likes Allura! All these what ifs where giving me a headache and distracting me from what i've been doing. But the biggest what if that was on my mind wasn't anything with Shiro, it was far more different. It had to do with my suspicions. Like for instance, it's quite odd that we all have memory loss, some more than others, could it really be just a coincidence though. Is it more than just a coincidence? Are we who we think we are? We may all be connected because of Voltron, but could it be more than that? Like blood? Our pasts? So many questions yet no answer. Then again, I could just do some blood and DNA tests to see if my thoughts our correct.

      I quickly dashed through the castle to find Allura and anyone who is not Coran. When I found Allura, I kind of explained what I was trying to do, and she willingly gave me some of her blood to sample. While looking for someone else, I realized I could just use my blood. But since I saw Keith along the way I asked him for a sample too, which he let me have. I went back into the room I was in before to test it. I was so focused that I didn't hear Shiro come in.

     "What are you doing Pidge?" He asked and I jumped from the sudden noise.

     "I'm just waiting for the results of the blood to appear, sadly when you scared me I dropped the sample of my blood. But I have to redo that one later." I said refocusing my attention. He walked closer and looked over my shoulder to look at what I was looking at right as the results came in. I began looking at the differences and similarities when I noticed something, Keith's blood, it definitely wasn't Altean, but it was also not human. It couldn't have been, I think I might have found more then I hoped for. Although, I can't just assume, there could have been contamination, like from the air or... I had to look further into this. I got a new sample of my blood. Since I'm human I'll be able to compare the two, and see if I accidentally might have mixed his with Allura's, or maybe his DNA was normal and I was just overreacting. Maybe cause of all the stress? I waited for the results, it felt like years, of course it was just from the anxiety I was having. Then that's when the results came in, before I looked at them Shiro put his hand on my shoulder.

      "Whatever it is you are freaking out about, it'll be fine. So just calm down." He reassured, I'm sure he saw me shaking and became worried or something, so I took a deep breath and looked at the results. They were different, different from Keith's, but my blood... it was Altean.
I promise to update soon for you lovely readers~ and if you think she found out too soon, then you'll just have to continue reading, cause there is a reason! X3 I hope you enjoyed~

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