The Aftermath Pt.2 (The Eyeless Angle)

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J-Hope POV

I woke up to the trees blowing in the wind, birds singing, and.....where's the sun? Is it night? No! The sun was up just an...hour? Minutes ago? I checked my surroundings I was laying on something soft like an bed. Wait how did I get in bed and when? Why is it so dark? Why does everything sounds like its in water?! Why does it feel like I'm drowning?! I feel serious pain in my head?!

I shooked my head trying to feel less light headed. I sat up trying to see still I felt around me there's an...blanket? I moved it to the side and stood up already regretting my decision feeling the floor spinning, jumping, and breaking. I wobbled to were I think the door is and end up hitting an wall I rested my hands on the wall and started to feel around for the door and felt something metal like an door knob. I turned the knob carefully hearing the door creek like an horror movie and I let go of the knob waving my hand around helplessly. I know that I was entering the hallway between our rooms. I stretch my arms out like the house is spinning and falling holding onto the stair rail I think and the other reaching out for anything or anyone trying my best to hear. The only thing I can hear is my footsteps and I don't have anything on them I can hear my own breathing and can hear someone closing an door cause me to stop dead in my tracks.

"J-Hope?! Why the hell are you up?! Your gonna get sick!"
Was that...Suga?? Why does he seem worried,angry, and panicked. I was frozen in place....I just don't know what to do.
"Rap monster!!! J-Hope is awake!!!
Screamed Suga. He pulled my hand and lead me somewhere. I hear a door slam open and a chair being dragged across the floor, then I was pushed down on a chair my heart was racing like crazy. I couldn't see anything! I feel exhausted! I feel nauseous! I feel agony in my back! My head is pounding like someone was hitting me with a metal bat! I was panicking right now! Without thinking I screamed.

I can tell they were looking at me like I am insane. I wanted to cry but I couldn't my hands were shaking violently, sweat was pouring down my head, my breathing was out of control, hearing my own heart pounding against my chest.
"J-Hope. Calm down....ok. We're trying to help you. You, V, and Jin are horribly injured. I will tell you what happened."
Rap monster says placing his hands on top of mine, I was squeezing his like my life depend on it. I nodded and 'looked' down to my lap still shaking.
"Suga go get an wet rag. Please."
I hear Suga close the door almost slamming it probably do to anger and stress.
"I know you really want to know what is happening."
Rap monster says grabbing an chair and sitting next to me. I nodded still looking down.

"Ok. Long story short. Me, Jungkook, Jimin, and Suga went to the library for anything for a cure on Jin's sickness. This librarian know what we were looking for when I asked her, she knew what to do and how to help us......are you listening?"
I nodded. He probably think I wasn't because I was still hanging my head.

"Alright, she told us to find an flower or two flowers. The only way that we can tell the difference is if they are longer then the others. She says that they are the most powerful ones from the rest. They can kill anyone or anything like, including demons and angles."
I raised my head looking were his voice is coming from.
"Why did they or it pick Jin?"
"Because he's innocent and sensitive. They sense this and took over him, this comes with effects that we saw but didn't pay attention to long enough or we just thought it was just an sickness that would pass. The flowers or flower was the reason why Jin was screaming bloody murder. The other effects are forgetting what had happened when we woke him up, commanding things that we don't know about, having surreal nightmares, and having an fever that can kill anyone."
Rap monster said holding my right hand trying to calm me down. I was panicking and worried about Jin.

"W..........Where's V?"
"He's resting. You can't get near him are you'll get the disease."
"What disease? Is it rare or common disease?"
I asked still shaking and feeling more pain in my head. I feel like I am about to faint.
"It's an rare disease. The disease name is 'lilydieishink'. A disease that comes from purple lily's, pink flowers, or even butterfly's. It can spread from the victims tears, coughs, and clothes."
I nodded. I hear Rap monster standing up and he held my hand leading to an different part of the room.
"I am just sitting you next to Jin, away from the sun or you can go back in your room."
I thought about this, if Jin wakes up then he might attack me or might have the disease and I end up getting it. If I go back in my room then I don't get the disease, but Jin might not remember what happened and he will be confused about the situation, but my head is killing me.
"I'll go......back in my room. To try and calm down........take in what's happening, but I also went to-"
"No. J-Hope. It's ok. Me, Suga, Jimin, and Jungkook have it under control."
He interrupted me while standing up and leading me out of the room and into mine. He laid me down and place the blanket up to my collarbone. I can hear him starting to leave, before he open the door to leave I sat.
"Rap monster wait!"
I know he turned around.
"What's wrong? Is there something you need?"
He walked over to my bed and sat down.

"Why.....why can't I see anything?"
I asked looking forward.

"You lost your eyes......they were stabbed out. Sorry J-Hope for not telling you."
Rap monster says patting my head to calm me down.

It didn't help cause I passed out after the news. I should have known.

"I'm an eyeless angle now............"

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